chapter seventeen

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terrible love

This was the best sleep Natalie had gotten in months - so much that she didn't wake up until her brother came into her room saying Clay had been calling the house looking for her.

Natalie stumbles too the home phone on the houses office desk and answers it. "What?"

"Why is Justin bringing black tar heroin into my house?" Clay yelled in a semi angry tone.

"What are you talking about?" Natalie says with a shaky voice.

"There is heroin in the pocket of his jeans."Clay said sternly.

"Are you fucking with me? Cause this isn't funny." Natalie said, looking around the house.

"Why would I fuck with you about this?" Clay asks in a quieter tone.

"I'm serious, Clay. I had no idea. Look, I'll be there within an hour or two - I just have to clear a few things out." Natalie shrugged and hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

She felt like crying or screaming because of how fucked up shit was getting. But Natalie needed to work to get back in her family's good graces. She walks into the kitchen with a loose fitting tank top and a regular pair of Liberty sweatpants.

"Goodmorning, sweetheart." Her mom smiled and Natalie looked around in a confused tone. Her parents were never up that early. "Do you want some coffee?"

Natalie sat next to her brother at the kitchen island as she nodded. "Yes please. Thank you." She smiled, taking the coffee and taking in the scent she had quite missed. "You're up early, Mom."

"Well I figure it would be nice to get a breakfast in with both of my kids before Bryce has to go to practice." Nora said as she scrolled on her IPad. They wanted things to go back to normal as fast as possible - Natalie could tell. "That girl's mom made a statement in the press recently."

"Really?" Bryce asked in an uncomfortable tone but Natalie kept her head down.

"You haven't been following it?" Nora asked as Natalie grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Well, Dad and Warren told me to keep my head down so that's what I've been doing." Bryce shrugged and Natalie took a deep breath. Why would Warren tell him to keep his head down? Unless - Bryce was called to testify.

"So schools been fine then? Despite all this drama?" She asked as Bryce walked to the fridge.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's great especially now that we have Nat back." Bryce nodded.

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