chapter twenty two

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CHAPTER TWENTY TWOlost without you

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lost without you

Family brunch. Something Natalie never missed when she was on the road. She sat on the opposite side as the table as it hit almost 15 minutes after 10 and still Chloe wasn't there.

"We can go ahead and eat." Bryce nods, checking his watch one more time.

"Nonsense. It's Sunday morning. We'll wait for our guest." Nora smiles as Natalie flattens out her dress once more before taking a sip of her orange juice.

"She said 10 was fine, so I don't know what's going on." Bryce shrugged as their father flipped through another page of the newspaper.

"Was that before or after the ribbon cutting ceremony?" Natalie asked with a smirk.

"I mean, I invited her Friday at school." Bryce shrugged as Nora stepped into the conversation.

"And did she confirm? She might not know to confirm. Not everyone has a grandmother like yours, wielding Emily Post like a bible." Nora says, picking up the glass.

"Yeah and she's a bit of a ditz." Natalie winks, earning a glare from both her parents.

"Natalie!" Her mother yelled.

"She knows things like that, Natalie and actually she's not a ditz, she gets better grades than me." Bryce shook his head.

"That's not hard." Natalie's eyes widen and her mother starts to get frustrated with both of them.

"Both of you, stop it!" Nora states as she takes a deep breath. "I wonder what's keeping her. Did the two of you discuss the ceremony at all?"

"Mom, Chloe doesn't care about that stuff. I'll just, I'm gonna try her again." Bryce says as he walks to the other room.

"Natalie, will you be a doll and fill up your mother and I's drinks?" Her father asks and she nods as she grabs both glasses and walks to the kitchen to fill the drinks up.

Bryce and Natalie return at the same time. "She's still not picking up. Let's just eat, I guess."

They both take their seats at the table as Nora yelled to the housekeeper. "Marisa? If you will, please."

"Son, if something's not right with Chloe, you need to make it right. Do you understand?" Barry said as they all get their silverware out.

"Yeah, dad." Bryce nods as he puts his napkin over his lap.

"A woman who loves you is to be respected and not to be crossed." Her father shakes his head as she looks at her mother with a confused face. Her father was the last to give advice about respect.

Bryce nods in agreement as they all look around at each other as they begin to eat.


Natalie had tried for hours to get a hold of Justin all of Sunday by calling the phone The Jensen's had given him but nothing. By Monday, she was worried when she went to school.

Natalie saw Bryce standing at his locker and she smirked as she walked over to him. "Hey, big brother." She leaned against the locker.

He knew by the nature of her voice she was gonna talk shit. "What do you want, Natalie?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Have you read the article about Hannah's trial today?" Natalie asks, crossing her arms.

"Dad told us not to look at that shit, Natalie." Bryce shook his head slamming the locker.

"Porter named you." Natalie stated with a smirk.

"Looks like we'll be going down for this then, Nat." Bryce rolls his eyes. "Nobody's gonna fucking listen to Porter."

"Also, why the fuck are we inviting Chloe to Italy with us this summer? I should be able to bring Justin." Natalie rolls her eyes back as they start walking down the hallway.

"Natalie, I'm pretty sure the last thing mom and dad want to do is bring a heroin addict to another country with us. And unlike you, I'm trustworthy." Bryce flashed a smile before parting ways to go find Chloe.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Natalie yelled down at him before slamming her side.


Natalie felt arms wrap around her as she turned around to see Justin. "I've been looking for you all day." She shook her head.

"I got money from my mom. Babe, we can get out of here this time. We can go farther and we won't be on the streets this time." Justin said, grabbing her waist.

"No." Natalie rolled her eyes as she looked back at the locker.

"What the fuck, Natalie?" He asked, leaning against the locker.

"I came back to testify for Jessica and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna chase you around to the rest of my life to make sure you're not doing drugs, Justin. I can do better than that. So stay here, stay clean, stay with me or leave." Natalie shook her head as she closed the locker quickly.


Natalie figured when it had hit night time and she still hadn't heard from Justin that night that he had made his choice. She heard her phone ding from a text.

"Natalie. I found the Clubhouse." The caller ID said Clay and she stood up quickly. Natalie tried calling Justin one more time.

"We need you. Please." She texted Justin before she called Clay back.

"Pick me up at the train station." Justin texted back as she got a hold of Clay.

"Hey, I'm gonna go pick up Justin from the train station. He's not gonna leave. Do you want me to pick you up on the way there?" Natalie asks as she gets her keys from her night stand.

She drove her her to the school, picking Clay up there per his request before driving to the train station. She made Clay move to the back as Justin got into the passenger seat. "Thanks for coming." Justin sighs.

"I found the Clubhouse." Clay says as Natalie starts driving back to The Jensen house. They were back together and they were gonna take down the clubhouse and Bryce. Natalie never would've thought a year ago Clay Jensen would be her new best friend.

A/N : Sorry for the short chapter! I may be getting 3 chapters up today but I'm not quite sure yet! These next few chapters where Justin and Natalie testify is where it's gonna get crazy. Remember to vote, comment and leave feedback if you guys are enjoying!! Share your opinions/predictions about Natalie as well!! Love you guys! Thank you for 6k reads.

word count - 1077

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