chapter twenty

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Natalie finally decided to call Clay back to talk to Justin the next morning. She decided not to tell Justin about Zach even though nothing happened just because she knew more harm would come out of it then good.

"Nat, I was worried when you didn't call me last night." Justin said, she could hear the worry in his voice.

"I just needed some time to cool down. After Jessica yesterday." Natalie states and Justin looks at the ground of Clay's room.

"I'm sorry, Natalie. I really am, okay? I never meant to hurt you anymore. I love you so much." Justin says, defending his actions. And it was the truth. He didn't mean to hurt Natalie and he didn't have those feelings for Jessica anymore. And she really wanted to believe him. But if he cheated on Jess why wouldn't he cheat on her?

But the relationship wouldn't work if she didn't trust him. Natalie had to open herself to love. "Yeah, I love you too. Tell Clay good luck today for me. Maybe I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'd like that." Justin responded over the phone.


Natalie stood at her locker when she noticed Bryce and Scott giving Alex and Jessica a hard time. She thought it would be better just to stay there and stay out of it. Until everybody heard Alex yell.

"Fuck you! You fucking rapist!" Alex yelled but Bryce remain unphased by it. She took a deep breath before going to the assembly. She sat next to Tony in the front row as she watched the baseball players and cheerleaders. Bryce surprised Chloe with flowers and Natalie rolled her eyes.

Natalie chuckled when Marcus ran out in a dress, thinking it very out of style. She saw Clay  walk in as she read on her on her phone what he said in court. Fuck Clay for bringing her name into it. It was one night that she got high with Jeff, Clay and Hannah.

She watched the baseball boys put Jeff's jersey on the wall. She couldn't even move to go to class, she had to watch and remember Jeff and think about how much better life would be if he were here. Natalie watched Sherri approach her. "What are you going here?"

"I stayed to watch them hang Jeff's jersey." Sherri said as she took a seat next to Natalie.

"Yeah me too." Natalie nodded. "They asked Clay about that party at Jeff's. Before summer, last year. And Clay swears he didn't tell them. And I didn't. Did you?"

"Oh god, Nat. No. I would never. I swear." Sherri shook her head.

"I guess someone must've brought it up in their deposition or there were text messages." Natalie shook her head.

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