chapter nineteen

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"Don't worry about it." Sherri told a distraught Natalie as they sat at a Monet's table. She turned to Clay. "He'll be back. He's sick as hell, he can't go to the city. He's got no money, no car. I'm on your side, okay? We'll all figure this out as a team."

"Thank you." Natalie nodded as she looked at the table. Her mind couldn't comprehend why Justin would leave her.

"Can I trust you?" Clay asks Sherri and she nods in a response.

"Always." She smiles as Clay pulls the polaroid picture out of his pocket and shows it to her. "Do you have any ideas where at school these might have been taken?"

Sherri studies the picture and shakes her head. "No, I....I don't recognize it."

"I have to get to school to die before Zach probably days my name while he testifies today." Natalie rolled her eyes as she stood up.


Natalie sat in her desk as she finished up a homework assignment from the night before when she sees Ryan take a seat on the desk next to her. "So I'm obsessed with this cutting your brother out new life your leading but could I ask you a question about when you used to hang around them?"

Natalie shrugged as she put her pen down. "Sure."

"Have you ever heard of a place called The Clubhouse? Maybe a place where the jocks hung out?" Ryan asks and a lightbulb goes off in Natalie's head.

"Uh, no. It doesn't sound familiar, I usually only hung out with them at my pool house. Is there anything else you know about it?" Natalie looks up at him.

"Apparently, Hannah went there with an athlete, possibly Justin. Long after they broke up." Ryan said and Natalie shook her head.

"Are you serious Ryan? You're seriously trying to dig up dirt on Justin?" Natalie defends.

"No, no, not at all. I was just interested is all." Ryan shrugged.

"I just don't wanna see an article about how Justin and Hannah were hooking up in your zine because you were interested." Natalie shrugged.

"I would never." Ryan shook his head as he sat in the seat. "You're right. I'll drop it."


Natalie sat next to Clay, Tony and Alex at the lunch table after finding out Alex couldn't testify. She looked around the lunch room until she saw a familiar face and the room went silent.

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