chapter thirty nine

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my tears ricochet
TRIGGER WARNINGS : BIG TALK OF SUICIDE/SUICIDE ATTEMPTS. if this is a trigger, i beg of you to skip this chapter.

Natalie called Justin after her time with Jess. She was beginning to feel the high of true few pills she took but she began to tell him everything. But her mind drifted. What if Justin knew that Jessica and Alex were behind it?

She agreed to let Monty go down for the murder under the agreement that Jessica, Alex and Zach all stayed the farthest away from her as they could. And under the same agreement that she would be left out of it from here on out.

She felt betrayed, upset but at the same time she felt nothing. Natalie was up early the next morning with the sudden urge to bring flowers to the dock where Bryce's body was found. She sat on the edge as she took a few petals, throwing them in. She felt tears fill her eyes as she heard her phone ring.

"Hi mom." Natalie smiled to herself, pulling herself together. She shifted her hands to wipe her tears.

"Hi, honey. I was wondering if you had heard about Montgomery." Nora said in a quieter voice.

"Oh, yeah. He got arrested last night. Tyler is getting justice. It's a miracle." Natalie said.

"Well yes, but. But Monty was killed at the county jail this morning." Nora said and Natalie felt her jaw drop. She hated Monty, she hated everything about him. But she hated that more people were dying every single year. Jeff, Hannah, Bryce, Monty, all people she knew so well and they were all lost and she was here.


Natalie decided she was going to skip school. She wished she could just skip the rest of her life but she was going to get her day of self pity and then she was gonna figure it out from there.

She went to the shop to convince Tony it was a terrible idea to leave by giving him his car back. After everything, it was the last thing she could do for him. She worked her magic to convince Charlie St. George to place the tape in Monty's locker to frame him.

As she was leaving school after her conversation, she avoided eye contact with most people before hearing Justin's voice behind her. "Nat, wait up." She stumbled a little bit as she turned around - he clearly realized she wasn't there mentally. "I didn't know you were coming by."

"I did the job with St. George so I'm leaving now." Natalie shrugged as she felt his eyes look up and down on her.

"Do you need anything?" Justin asked as she stared at the ground. "You seem off."

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