Chapter 15

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Nathan's POV:

Life is a funny thing.

You're born, you grow, you work, you reproduce - you die. Years and years of meaningless drivel living for everyone but yourself, until one welcome day when death awaits. Unless, of course, you were one of the lucky ones.

Like me.

I lived for no one. I lived for myself. For blood. For power. And I had the privilege of living for all eternity.

But what good is immortal life if you have no one to spend it with?

It gets lonely. You try to fill the void with prostitutes, drunken nightclub sluts that have no idea what's coming to them, even those who willingly give themselves to you, hoping you'll turn them to be just like you straight after.

But it's not enough. It's never enough.

Not when you've tasted what you could have, only to have her taken away from you instantly by some Russian prick that didn't realise his time with her was running out. I wanted her. I needed her. And he got in my way.

I had this irresistible, gnawing want and an alluring compulsion to satisfy my primal need, and I knew my desires could only be nullified by her. I wanted her body wrapped tightly around mine. I wanted to own her. I wanted to show her that she was mine. She didn't realise it now, but she would eventually. She would realise exactly what she was missing out on and she would beg me to make her scream. She would beg and plead for me to change her. And I would, eventually – once I had enough of her weak, Dhampir body. Fuck, I could barely contain my excitement at the thought of our Strigoi bodies moving as one, our heightened senses increasing our pleasure ten-fold.

Luckily, I knew I wouldn't have to wait much longer.

They would be here soon, in retaliation for the crimes we committed on their grounds, and with them would be Rose. I had no doubt about it.

And I would finally have the opportunity to take what I want.


I stood flush against the cold wall, the dark shadows concealing me enough that I knew I would be hidden from sight. The distant cries and grunts of battle informed me straight away that the guardians had arrived, and I eagerly awaited their breakthrough into the chamber of the cave. They thought they had been clever, sending a team to track and locate us, as if that hadn't been my plan all along. Would I really be that careless to let them find us if I hadn't wanted them to?

With adrenaline beginning to pump around my veins, I felt my blood lust magnify and I could sense the urge arising to rush out from my concealed position towards the fight already taking place. I knew I had to wait though - I couldn't allow myself to be seen until I had her in my own sights. I couldn't risk distracting myself enough to let her get away again.

My gaze was immediately drawn to her as her team ventured further into the cave, emerging into the chamber where I was hidden. She looked glorious. She had her long, thick hair tied up high and she was dressed all in black, the tightness of her clothing hugging her curves nicely as she fought with the first few Strigoi that approached her. Back when I had seen her in Russia, there had always been an element of fear and terror in her eyes, yet here, she was fierce. If she was scared, she didn't convey it. Her emotions were concealed with a strong look of determination as she grappled with her opponents to dispatch them, working her way deeper into the cave.

My men had been ordered not to kill her - they could try their luck, sure, but under no circumstances could they take her life. I'd been clear in my orders - distract, apprehend, but do not kill. And they were doing just that. She was too preoccupied with those that got in her way to notice me lurking just beyond her. She was close enough now that she should have been able to see me, despite the dark cloak of the shadows around me, but her concentration was clearly in the immediate fight ahead of her.

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