Chapter 25

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Dimitri's POV – 3 days later, (5 days after rescue)

Rose was being released from the hospital today, finally. After a few days of examinations and tests, and of me being isolated outside the door, she was finally able to come home. I could not describe how elated I was when I was told she had agreed to come home. She still had yet to even look at me, but the fact that she agreed to come back with me to our apartment was a step in the right direction. It meant that she felt as though she could be around me without freaking out, without being so terrified to the point that she had a panic attack. I knew that she had long way to go, we all did, but this small step was heart-warming.

The positive feeling was much appreciated, especially after the sadness I was feeling at being separated from Rose. A day or so after she woke up for the second time, I was truly worried that Rose might be too far gone, that because I had been unable to keep her safe, she resented me and blamed me for her traumatic ordeal. I was petrified that she wouldn't accept me back into her life - that she wouldn't allow me to love and look after her as I so desperately needed to.

A few kind words from none other than Adrian was all it took for me to keep holding on to my hope that everything would be okay - that I would be able to spend the rest of my life making up for letting Rose down, showing her that I would always lay down my life for hers.



As I sat in my usual spot outside Rose's hospital room, her nurse scurried past and let herself through the door. Not thirty seconds later, Adrian emerged and made his way over to me, taking the seat next to mine.

"Hey man," he greeted.


"The nurse is just running some tests - I thought it was best I left the room. How are you holding up?" he asked. I could feel his eyes on me as I sat hunched forward, with my elbows on my knees.

"Not great," I admitted. It didn't matter how I was right now – all that mattered was her. "How is she?"

"A bit better, more talkative," he told me sincerely. "She still on edge though, every time the door opens she jumps."

My Roza. She was hurting so badly. We were all here to help her, yet all she could see was terror.

"I need to see her," I said, letting out a shaky breath. I ran a hand through my loose hair and sat back in my seat to face Adrian. It had been five days since we found Rose - three days since her freak out and my 'banishment' from her bedside - and I was beginning to feel restless, useless, dejected... I needed to see for myself that she was okay. I needed to be with her. I needed to tell her I was sorry, and that I loved her.

"I know," Adrian acknowledged, recognising my desperation. "She needs to see you too - she just hasn't realised it."

"When do you think I could see her without upsetting her?"

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "I can't work out if she's afraid, or just worried about what you think of her."

"Afraid?" I questioned, the confusion and horror clear in my tone. "She doesn't need to be afraid of me, I would never hurt her – she knows that."

"I know she does, but right now I don't think she's thinking rationally. She's displacing her trauma and her fear of Nathan and what he did onto you."

"I want to help her. I need her to know that I still love her." I slumped forward in my seat once more, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. "I don't blame her for what happened."

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