Thirty¶Fraomi ship 🚢🌊

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Why? Why me? What kind of bad luck is this?

"Naomi, I am going oo!" Anita yelled from the living room. "As the headgirl, I can't be late for school".

"No problem! You can go! Leave me to bear my cross alone!" I walked into the living room and waved my school skirt in the air.

"What happened?" she asked and flung her schoolbag on her shoulder.

"My stupid zip spoilt!"

"Hian! How are we going to repair it now?"

"I need a seamster!"

That is why I like Nigeria! You can find a seamster/ tailor moving about with his sewing machine with him. I have forgotten the native name we call them. But seriously, they can be lifesavers. I just need to find one and he will repair my stupid zip.

"Sha...I can't be late for school so I am going. Your debate is today. Better repair that zip!" Anita made her way to the entrance door. "Buh-bye! You know I love you!" She waved and left.

I opened my mouth and did a silent scream. This is so annoying!

I can't count the number of times I have repaired that zip. It is like the zips are fake. Wait...maybe they are actually fake. Are they made in Nigeria or China?

I clutched my skirt and stomped out of the house. I stood outside the big gate, watching with wide eyes.

Oh Lord, I need one of the seamsters to pass now. I can't go late to school. What if a teacher flogs me and I forget all my debate speech?

I don't know the minutes that passed but minutes later, a lanky man moved down my street. He had a manual sewing machine on his head. He held two pieces of metal that he slammed together to get attention.

"Pssh!" I whistled. He still moved, unaware of my presence at the corner of the road. "Tailor!" I screamed. This time he turned to face me. He was distance away. I gestured for him to come. He nodded and made his way towards me.

"Good morning sir!" I greeted. I can't forget my home trainings, always greet your elders. I am sure we all have heard that, right? He looks like he is in his early thirties so I just decided to greet for greeting sake.

"Good morning!" he said with a strong Hausa accent.

"I need you to sew a new zip for my skirt!" I pointed at the zip.

He nodded, "Okay!"

"It must be black oo! I need a black zip! Do you have that?"

"Ah! It don finish oo"

"Ah ahan! How can it finish like that?"

It be like say the people from my village they follow me. How can I be having such bad lucks?

"It is okay! You can go! Thank you!" I said and fanned my hand at him dismissively.

"Sorry oo! Don't worry! I go get am tomorrow!" he said as he left.

Tomorrow? I need it now! I know that no tailors' shop has opened!

Some minutes later, I gave up. I looked at my black skirt and sighed.

The skirt wasn't plain black. It had thin straight lines. An idea popped in my head. I could see a bright bulb above my imagination!!!

My school badge is on my long sleeve while my skirt is just plain. If I wear a different skirt, it won't change anything. If they question me, I will tell them my skirt spoilt.

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