Chapter 19 - power above him

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                                  Chapter 19

The bloody body on the floor was motionless, the chair broke because of the brutality of fists and countless struggling. "What did we get?" Izuku asked, wiping the blood in an old rag. "It was Shigaraki's doing, however, he wasn't alone. By the looks of it, our old boss joined Overhaul."
That complicated things. If Shigaraki is with another enemy there was a risk of exposing some of their warehouses. They will have to strike first with a moment of surprise.
The time was ticking and he promised Katsuki to be back in an hour. "Prepare a meeting tomorrow in a coded location. I want all my sponsors and teammates in one spot." "Understood." The torture was over, time to go back to bed.
Izuku took a long cold shower, rubbing the blood from his skin. His thoughts came back to his past, wondering where it all began. 
This type of life was exciting, but death was knocking on his door every day. He started this type of business with nothing, no reason to live. After his mother died and his father left, his mind turned off on feelings.
His mind was focused only on getting stronger and making a profit. When he became more known and powerful, everyone looked at him with fear, keeping their distance. At first, it felt amazing, having the power but as time went on, he started to feel... lonely. He was getting tired of the scared faces, that were having a problem keeping a normal conversation with him. And then, Katsuki stood behind him, his gun pointing at the blonde. There was no fear, all he did was point a middle finger at him, and that small gesture was somehow refreshing.
Those red eyes were staring into his soul, everything about Katsuki was perfect and he knew he had to have him. Katsuki was a new reason to live, to fucking fight. The blond had so much power above him and didn't know Izuku would kill for him without a second thought. All he had to do was point a finger and the person would be dead.
Izuku took the towel and whipped the water from his face. Better leave the shower now before his mind will blow.
When he came back, Katsuki was on the bed, taking every free space, snoring quietly. His hair was a big mess together with the sheet. It was hard not to laugh at the cute face, so he stole a few pictures on his phone before slowly joining him on the bed.
The bed was nicely warmed up, and Katsuki's body worked perfectly as a small heater. Katsuki frowned when Izuku moved him closer to his chest, but it quickly disappeared. Izuku's body instantly relaxed, and for the first time in a while, he fell asleep without much afford.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Izuku was standing beside the bed, putting on a new suit. "Where are you going?" Katsuki's eyes were still half open and his brain hasn't woke up yet.
"I'm going to a meeting in Tokyo, and I want you to go with me."
His limbs were tired and getting up was a big problem. Izuku must have seen his struggle, so he moved close to him and with one arm put Katsuki up. "I prepared a suit for you too, the meeting is more like a ball, there will a lot of people I need to get on my side."
"How long are we going to be there?" It took a while for Izuku to answer that. "I think we might arrive when the ball will be already starting and come home around midnight."
"All the people there will be villains." Katsuki didn't mean for Izuku to hear that. But Katsuki was training to be a hero, and he was sure half of the people will meet him in a fight in the near future.
"Don't worry about that. I will take care of everyone against you."
He had to believe that. Izuku was the only one left, his dad was dead and his mother was apparently hospitalized. "The suit is in the living room, make yourself something to eat. We will be leaving in thirty minutes."
Izuku left again, leaving him to sit on the bed, knees to his chest and head leaned on his arms. The image of his parent's horrified faces replayed in his head. He wanted to go back to bed and never wake up.
But Izuku wanted him at the meeting so he could at least do that. As Izuku said, the suit was placed on the couch in a large living room. The big window showed the baby blue sky with birds flying around.
The sky was always stunning no matter the weather. Sometimes, he wished to have a flying quirk, to fly far away and enjoy the sky from a closer perspective.
No time to dream now, Katsuki took the suit and made a quick breakfast.
Some guy named Twice came to pick him up. They went down on the elevator, to the outdoor part. Izuku was waiting for him with a big smile, leaning against a white Range Rover. When he came closer, Izuku pulled him into a hug, telling Twice to leave them alone.
"Is something wrong?"
"I'm fine." Izuku didn't let him go, even when he tried to wiggle out. With a sigh, he gave up and leaned against Izuku. The hands went from his hips to his hair, massaging his head.
"When we go back, we will go to a new place." "Why aren't we coming back here?"
Izuku's hands left his head, and he was finally able to move away. "If Shigaraki is hunting us, It's better not to stay in one location. Now, get into the car, we are leaving."

A/N The next chapter will be about the ball. I wonder what will happen. (;^ω^)
See ya all on Monday.(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

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