Chapter 36 - Aizawa

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Chapter 36

A/N Thank you, guys! I never thought something like this could ever happen to me, so when I reached this much, I thought I was gonna faint.  ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ.

Thank you!

He was carried into an empty room bridal style. The warm wall held him tight, it was the only thing keeping him from falling.
Katsuki couldn't process anything. It was like he was in his own small space where his mother's words echoed, each time getting stronger in volume.
The world shifted, the bright lights turned into a small lamp next to his head while the long hallway changed into a small hospital room with more colors.
Something caressed his cheek, maybe a hand? He didn't care. Tears dripped down his face as he tried to get out of the space keeping him away from reality. His mom's words screamed at him now and it was deafening.
Someone was talking to him, but his vision was too blurry to recognize whoever it was. Their words were like whispers, or like a different language, he couldn't understand them.
What the hell was happening? He wanted, no, needed to get out. It was like the room was getting smaller, suffocating him. It was hard to breathe in, that alone made him go into a panic.
"Make it stop."
He couldn't take it anymore, it hurt. If he won't get oxygen soon, this will be the end.
He was yanked back to reality by someone's hand that shook him hard. It startled him, stopping the room from shrinking. Katsuki finally breathed in, holding his neck as he coughed. 
His lungs hurt and talking sounded like an impossible task. Izuku was there next to him, helping him to sit upright. It was still hard to process what was happening, but Izuku's hand rubbing his back made everything a bit easier.
His head was gently laid on Izuku's shoulder, the world was spinning but it was getting better. He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.
"How are you feeling?" Katsuki couldn't answer, the first five seconds just stared at nothing before snuggling into Izuku more.
The man took the message, only holding Katsuki closer as if to tell him he understands. "Let's head back." Katsuki didn't argue with that, letting himself be picked up again and carried outside. The cold wind hit his hot skin, making him shiver, but Izuku quickly covered him with his jacket.
They received side glances from strangers, but Izuku was quick to make them look away.

Little did they know someone recognized them.

The car was close but at the moment, it felt like it was so far away. Izuku moved fast, taking big steps while trying to avoid as many people as possible.
Katsuki was put in the front seat, safety-belt secured around him. It was obvious Katsuki wasn't still completely out of the shock, but by the time they arrived back, he could at least walk on his own.
Izuku didn't let him go far though. He grabbed Katsuki up again as soon as he got behind him. Katsuki only sighed in defeat, letting himself be held once again.
"Do you want me to contact your friends?" Katsuki moved his head in disapproval. The last thing he wanted was for them to do something stupid. Maybe later, but now wasn't the time.
"Alright... gorgeous, I want you to know I care about you. You are very important to me and I'm here for you no matter what and I want you to don't forget that."
Katsuki didn't say anything, taken back by the words that just came out of Izuku's mouth. It always made his heart beat a bit faster every time Izuku was sweet to him.
They walked quietly back to the hideout, butlers greeted them, opening the doors for them. Izuku wandered down the same hallway he ran through today, almost at their door. The butlers didn't have access to this area so they were completely alone. Before Izuku could step in, a hand grabbed him by his tie, making him stop and look down.
Katsuki was shaking, holding himself back from tearing the tie off. Izuku though he might be going into another shock until two simple words left the sweet pink lips.

"Kill them."

Izuku stayed stunned, the atmosphere changed to a more determined one. "Kill everyone who hurt me or my family. Don't show any mercy."
It was said so quietly, full of venom that Izuku loved to see on him.
The expression on Izuku's face was dull, the emerald eyes glowing in the dark of the hallway. He was just staring down at the blond before his lips turned into an exciting simile.
"Understood, my love."
Shoto and Ejiro watched his tired teacher walk into class like a zombie every day. All of their teachers were tired but Aizawa was on another whole level.
After the attack, the class was on high alert. All kinds of theories flew around the UA. Some of them were stupid, like Katsuki joining the villains or that he was a spy all along.
Class 1. A always made sure to tell the people to fuck off with the bullshit.
The heroes started to search for Katsuki a long time ago but the case had to be moved for later since all the heroes and police were sent to help with the attacks that happened daily. Not once did they canceled the class because the teacher was on a mission.
Aizawa didn't go on missions that often, but the man surrounded himself in paperwork instead. He never gave up on searching for his student, always asking detectives to give him any kind of new updates they got.
Ejiro suggested Shoto telling his teacher the true but there was a high risk to that. Shoto texted Katsuki numerous times to give permission to tell at least something to their sensei but Katsuki didn't answer any of the texts.
There was a chance UA was going to be attacked again so teachers thought about closing the school until the villains were captured. The next day, the school announced they will have a break, which to be honest, was kind of good.
They had the two last days of learning before they were sent home. Shoto was starting to worry about Katsuki, who still didn't answer his phone. He and Ejiro decided that they will be spending the time while the school was closed together in case Katsuki decided to answer.
His father agreed, even wanted to send security with him to keep them safe, but Shoto talked his father out of it.
The news was full of attacks, telling people to not go outside, only If necessary. The attacks were random, heroes always on their legs to get on the field on time and try to stop or help with everything they got. The hospitals were full of injured people, heroes getting special treatment but that wasn't good enough.
If the villains won't be captured soon, it can bring a big collapse and the state will have to borrow heroes from other countries.
It was killing them both. The stress and worries were hard to handle, at least now they know how their teachers felt. They needed to let out some steam, maybe going to the gym. The idea was quickly shut down, the place was surely closed.
"Let's just go for a run then." Ejiro said, pointing outside of the window at the sunny sky. Shoto could agree with that, it was a good idea. They weren't far from a park and could have a good fight there. "Sure."
"Alright! It's settled! Let's go-" A light ring of Ejiro's phone stopped them before they could make a move.

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