Chapter 20 - start of the ball

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                             Chapter 20

Katsuki let his window fully open, letting the strong wind ruffle his hair. Izuku was going above the speed limit, outrunning some cars. They were on the highway for a few hours, the sun standing above their heads already.
"Want to take a break? I know a good place nearby." Izuku asked, pulling his window down as well and putting his arm out. "No."
"Katsuki, is something wrong?" He thought for a while, head low and his shoulder up. It was bothering his mind for a while but he wasn't sure if it was the right time to ask. "I will tell you at a better time."
"And that will be?" Fuck, he was already frustrated, and Izuku really wasn't helping his mood. "Just, I will not tell you while we are in the car, maybe when we get there, then maybe."
An uncomfortable quiet followed, but Katsuki will have to deal with it for now.
There were hoses slowly appearing one by one until they were in a small village. The houses surrounding them were a classic Japanese style, rise fields stretched to the distance, with people working on them.
It would be a pretty picture if he had his camera with him. When he and his father went hiking, dad always made sure to take a lot of pictures with it, his dad was the first owner, and then Katsuki got it on his ninth birthday. He remembers the joy when he opened the bad wrapped up box and finding the camera in it.
The car turned to a side road, waking him up from his thoughts. "Where are we?" Izuku didn't answer, turning the engine off, and getting out of the car. 
Katsuki was quick to follow, he walked behind Izuku until the man stopped.
They were near a small pond, the water was clear and you could see small fish swimming around. "Is this a better place than the car?" So that's why they stopped. Katsuki thought, sitting on a big stone near the pond.
Being half of the day in suit was the worst, he was used to more free clothes.
"It's just..." He had to find the right words first. Izuku patiently waited behind him, his arms crossed and presence almost invisible. "You helped me, you made me feel good and all that but I thought it would be a one-time thing, so when you stayed and save me, and even get a bodyguard for me, it made me confused. Just..." He took a deep breath, looking everywhere but Izuku's eyes. "What are we?"
Izuku slowly hugged him from behind, nuzzling his cheek to the soft blond hair. "Oh, gorgeous, I'm sorry I made you feel this way. And to answer your question... I'm your one and only and the same goes for you." Izuku licked the base of his ear before continuing. "For now you are boyfriend, then my fiance and then my husband."
His cheek redden at the almost proposal. He put his arms on his face to hide the blush but his ears betrayed him. Izuku's answer lifted a big weight from his shoulders.
"Are you satisfied with that answer?" Izuku's hands traveled down to his belt. "Y-yeah." His belt was gone in a few seconds, his buttons were next. "Wait, we can't. Not here!" Izuku wasn't listening, putting one of his hands under Katsuki's boxers. Katsuki leaned his back on Izuku's chest, his arms going up to Izuku's shoulders. Izuku started to slowly stroke him. His head went up, as he tried to hold in the moan. Katsuki tried to relax, and not move up into Izuku's slow hand. He sat there while Izuku was trying to get him hard, and that's something Izuku is very good at.
Rough lips attacked his neck with kisses, Izuku was soft enough to not leave any hickeys or bites. A cry left him when Izuku's thumb played with tip. The feeling made him see stars.
Izuku stroked harder, tightening the grip around his dick. Tears started to form in his eyes, and holding back groans was almost impossible. When he tried to bit into his lips to prevent any moans to come out, Izuku stopped immediately.
Katsuki whined at the lost touch, closing his eyes.
"Don't hold your voice." Izuku said in a low, commanding tone. When his teeth left the bottom lip, the hands came back, starting slowly again. "But, ah fuck~, if someone hears?" "They will get a bullet in the head." Izuku suddenly picked up the pace. His back arched up at the sudden pleasure. A drool went down his chin and Izuku was fast to lick it. They met in a passionate and messy kiss. Izuku bit his bottom lip, tugging lightly. "Izu-Izuku, I'm close." "Cum for me, gorgeous." That's all Izuku had to say. Katsuki let out a long hot moan, making Izuku groan against his neck as he came.
Izuku put his hands away, licking the cum out of his fingers while watching Katsuki's red face looking at nothing. After a while, Katsuki came back to his senses, blinking away the tears. "Are you back with me, gorgeous?"
It took a while for him to answer, but after processing the question he nodded. "Good, let's continue our journey."
Izuku lifted him up, walking back to the car. The whole way there, Katsuki couldn't get enough of Izuku's perfume. Sometimes about the aroma made him crazy.
They stopped in front of a massive shining building. It was almost crazy to think that the most dangerous villains are having a meeting in something so striking and vivid to people walking around.
He was looking at it with wide eyes, and couldn't believe he was about to enter such a fancy building. Izuku chuckled at him, but Katsuki shrugged him off.
When he was about to leave the car, a hand on his own stopped him. "Katsuki, people there aren't good people, and I know you know that but I don't want you to have any kind of conversation with people inside. Understood?" He nodded, keeping eye contact with Izuku until the man broke it and pulled out a small gun under the steering wheel. "Take this, it should be enough protection until I come for you."
His eyes moved to the gun then back to Izuku. "Are you going somewhere?" "I'm going to have a speech, but I won't leave you until then."
Katsuki took the gun and secure it around his ankle. He waited until Izuku left the car first, before following him into the building. Right after they entered, Izuku put his arm around his waist and his smile that he wore just a second ago was replaced by a glare that warned everyone who looked their way.
They entered an elevator that took them to the highest floor. The hall they walked in was full of people, drinking laughing and talking, all of them wearing expensive clothes and dresses. A few eyes stared at him but Izuku's presence made them look away quickly.
The hall was large, chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, and one of the walls had a view on the city underneath them. Butlers were walking around, offering champagne.
If Katsuki walked in by mistake, he would think this was some meeting of rich people instead of villains. Izuku must have spotted someone because he started to lead him somewhere. "Hekiji Tengai, it's been a while." They stopped in front of a high ash blond man. The guy wore a weird looking mask on his face and an Italian suit. "Oh, Deku! Yes, it's been a long time. How have you been?" They shook hands before Izuku continued talking about his business. "And who is this?" The guy looked at Katsuki. The look was weird like the guy was checking him out, then it moved to Izuku's arm on his hip. "Oh, I see. How much for a night with him?"
It was like the sentence stabbed him. Was it really what people thought? That he was Izuku's bitch? The hand on his hip tighten, as to tell him to calm down.
"He is mine, touch him and I'm taking your business down. And Kacchan isn't a whore, so I would be careful of how you call my future husband." The man choked on his saliva, apologizing numerous times before leaving them be.
"Kacchan?" He asked Izuku. "It's better not to call you by your real name. Do you like it?" "No, it's childish." Izuku laughed him off and continued to walk around.
"Who was that guy anyway?"
"One of the biggest sponsors. The guy has a good budget because he sold some information about Overhaul before turning to our side. He worked with our enemy, so he knows their biggest weaknesses."
They stopped in front of a wooden door. "I will have my speech now. Remember, don't talk to anyone."
Izuku gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left him alone in the hall staring at the door.

A/N I love people who comment on stories!
They are very funny or sweet, so whenever someone comments on my story it's like a blessing.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
I want to give my big thanks to those people. I love you guys. (^3^)/~♡

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