Chapter 49 - where is Deku

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A/N WOW! My first 100k! You guys made me feel very special today, thank you! I will do my best to reward your kindness!

Chapter 49

He fell asleep, dreaming of the words said to him. The man with a smoke quirk was in front of him, his lips turned into the all-knowing smile. "You destroyed your future."

Katsuki's mouth opened but closed immediately. There was no point in protesting, he knew this was a dream, he just needed to wake up. "You can't be a hero after this, you know that right?"

It all felt so real, it made the hair on the back of his head rise. It will be over soon, Izuku will show up and tell him it's a lie, maybe then he will wake up.

"You are blemished." No, he isn't. It's a lie. And suddenly, he was inside his house, a dead body lying in front of him. The windows were covered, letting through minimum light just like he remembers it.

Nobody was around, he was alone, just him and the body of his father in a pool of blood. He closed his eyes, turning his head away, swallowing the tears down.

His ears picked up a sound of heals in the distance coming closer, stopping when they were right behind him. "You killed him." Why was his brain remembering these things now, were the man's words the trigger?

Katsuki didn't plan on opening his eyes, his mother's glare full of hate was still fresh in his memory, he didn't need to see it in his dream too. With a deep breath, Katsuki started to walk forward, ignoring the wet floor he walked on.

"Ya lyublyu tebya." Don't think of Shindo, he was the last one Katsuki wanted to remember. His steps quicker at the sound of the other coming closer.

"Go away!" Shindo's footsteps were accompanied by the sound of his mother's heels. It echoed in the dark he walked through, making him panic more each second he continued to dream.

The last thing he remembered was tripping over something and falling into who knows where. His body shot up, looking around for any source of proof that the dream was real, but there was no sight of Shindo nor his mother.

He took a deep breath, reaching for something with his left hand. When he didn't find it, his head turned to the spot where his hand reached.

Izuku wasn't here. There was no clock around so he didn't know for how long he was out, but it was surely long. 'Was he supposed to go find his man or wait for him' was the question.

The spot next to him was cold so Izuku wasn't here for a while, but why didn't he say anything to him when he left? His frustration was growing, and he didn't know what to do with it.

Getting up would be a good start. He grabbed the blanket and showed it away, immediately regretting his decision. It was so fucking cold. It was getting dark, that might be a reason why.

The tent looked untouched, except for the table. There was a map spread out, showing some path with a long red line. Katsuki memorized every detail and looked for side roads in case something happens.

It was a big area, orientating in it won't be easy, especially with all the trees and nasty weather. His hand slid over the red line, stopping at the base of the map.

On the wooden chair, next to the table, was Izuku's jacket. He wouldn't have noticed it, the light from the lamp was too weak, but it was there, and it gave him a weird feeling.

"Maybe he just went to get fighting uniform or something." He murmured underneath his nose, taking the jacket and putting it on. It was big, the sleeves covered his arm down to his fingers and it smelled like Izuku too.

His boots were placed next to the bed, dried and clean. There was nothing else he needed, so he headed out, being as quiet as possible.

There were few people around, not paying any attention to him as he sneaked around other tents. Most of them had empty beds, which was weird. He expected Izuku's allies to be here since there was no way the people outside were the head ones.

Later on, he found a tent with nice, white snowmobiles. A useful thing to know, but he wasn't here for a ride, since Izuku was still missing. Maybe later. There was another tent, full of equipment and armor.

It was lit, and some pieces were already missing, but he didn't pay that any kind as he headed to the first chest full of weapons.

His eyes looked around him carefully, trying to spot anyone. The air was clear to his relief, so he took a few grenades similar to ones on his costume and a small gun that could be attached to his belt, just in case.

When he was sure nothing else was needed, he turned around about to walk away only to meet face to face with a young, red-haired woman. "Ah, I see you are already awake."

"Yes." Stay calm. "That's good, follow me please, you need to go back to your tent, no need to be here." By the looks of it, she was a nurse, the hat on her head with a star of life symbol told it all.

"Where is Izu- I mean Deku." She turned around in confusion as if not expecting the question. They were out of the tent, walking straight back. "He didn't want to bring you with him, to make sure you stay safe." "What?" The nurse turned back, saying hi to a group of soldiers before stopping.
"He is already on the mission."

A/N I've got permission from the artist on one drawing I wanted to use as a cover, now all I need is to think of a description.
( ╹▽╹ )
So my new book will be published this Wednesday at 7 pm British time! I hope to see you in the first chapter, see ya tomorrow!
( ꈍᴗꈍ)
And chapter 50 should be the last chapter of this story!

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