Chapter 35 - war

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Chapter 35

A/N I wanted to post yesterday, but I felt like the chapter wasn't good enough so I rewrote it.
Here I am now, hope you will enjoy it!


After coming back to the bedroom, Katsuki just laid in the bed for five minutes straight with a phone in his hand. It was getting on his nerve, he wanted to go back to the meeting room and tell Izuku to give him information about the situation, but at the same time, he wanted to call Shoto.
He felt guilty for leaving him like that, Shoto was surely stressing out even more now. With a groan, he looked at the phone for the sixth time, trying to decide what the hell was he suppose to do.
Fuck it. Finally, he hit the call button, waiting for Shoto to pick up. The phone rang four times, and when he thought Shoto wasn't going to pick up, the fucker did at the last second.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you." "That's my line idiot." The conversation didn't begin the best way, but it's not like he started it.
"Where the hell did you go? Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Cause it almost worked." Katsuki smirked, caressing his neck.
"I tried to get heroes a small help." Shoto snickered at the proud tone Katsuki used. "Well, where is it? I'm watching the news and don't see the situation changing at all."
"Wait... It's on the news again?!" With a rush, he made it to the TV in less than a second. Turning it on was another problem, his hands were shaking, and touching the turn on button seemed impossible.
"Yeah, it's everywhere. So, where is the help?" Katsuki didn't answer for a while, eventually turning the TV on, not bothering to sit on the couch.
He found himself talking soon after the news was on. "I asked Izuku to lend me some men-"  The door to the living room opened with a creak before he could finish his story, making Katsuki turn to the intruder. Izuku looked at him from behind the door happier than he ever did. It was suspicious.
"Hey there, gorgeous~. Sorry to interrupt your call, but the men are ready, just like you asked." It didn't take long for Izuku to join him on the floor, sitting right next to him like a puppy.
The man's hand made its way around his waist, no, a bit lower to be more correct. Then, Izuku's lips touched his neck going up to his ear.
"The thing I said still stands. Still, I can't wait for the time when you are going to ride me with the intention of dominating me." Oh, Jesus, there is no time for this.
"I heard that."
Shoto had to speak, did he? His cheeks redden and Izuku pulled away from him completely in panic. "This is serious. Put your dick back in your pants and help us or Katsuki will bitch about it later."
"Shut it!" He snapped back, looking up at Izuku who somehow had a bit of apologetic expression. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry." The man said to the phone, now looking at the TV screen.
"How the fuck will your men know who to look for?" It was a bit late for that question, he knew, but still. "Don't worry, I showed them photos."
That made him look at Izuku with a skeptical look. "Wha-" Izuku cut him off by raising his hand. "I need to know what kind of people you are hanging around with." "So you spied on me?" The answer didn't come immediately so Katsuki knew he was right. "I wouldn't exactly call it spying." He rolled his eyes, giving Izuku a light push. "Creep."
It didn't take long for Izuku's men to show up. The heroes looked surprised but accepted the help. Izuku sent five or six men. It wasn't much, but it helped a lot.
They were successful at pushing down the enemy, Shoto stayed on the line the whole time, saying only small things to which Izuku answered.
The things happening there weren't pretty, dead bodies lying around and not blurred out since it was live, the heroes badly injured and the villains still going after them.
"I found somebody!"
The camera turned to a low ranked hero, who was pointing at a figure, running after it soon after.
Whoever the hero found wasn't any of his friends. The figure was standing on top of one of the concrete pieces, hidden behind the dust that was still settling.
Izuku seemed to recognize the person, gritting his teeth in anger. Not long after, the hero laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath. The fuck?
"Shigaraki." Katsuki said. It was evident now that he could see the man. The wind ruffled the light blue hair, the man smiled while the red eyes stared right into the camera.
The reporter ran off somewhere, screaming for help, leaving the cameraman alone. Shigaraki looked at him, dared him to move. It was obvious what Shigaraki wanted now. It was attention.
The cameraman continued to film, camera shaking together with his body. Heroes were distracted, fighting the other villains, leaving the poor cameraman oh his own. Everyone watched in tension as Shigaraki moved closer, ready to say his speech.
"I know you are watching." Izuku's mood changed, he was now calm like when he was at the meeting. It was the deadly calm, the one Katsuki feared the most.
"We have been enemies from the start, but only now the battle begins."
Katsuki remembered what Izuku told him about the men. He still clearly remembers what happened, what kind of powerful creatures the man possesses.
"Let's see who will be the first one to bow under the feet of the winner."
Shigaraki stretched his arms in the direction of the cameraman, almost touching the camera. Everybody knew what was about to happen, the murderous glint Shigaraki got in his eyes was the last thing the cameraman will see before he becomes a pile of dust.
At least that what Katsuki though. Whoever got the cameraman out of the way had to have guts, and must have been an idiot.
The camera fell at a perfect angle, showing just who saved the guy. His eyes widen at the realization that the one that saved the man wasn't any kind idiot, it was his idiot. Kirishima screamed something at Denki who sent an electric wave at Shigaraki.
Fuck, he needs to help them! His legs worked on their own, getting him up only to fail him when Izuku tugged him back to the ground.
"Fuck! Let go! I need to help them!" Izuku's grip didn't lose up, he was locked in Izuku's lap, unable to run away. "Watch. My men will distract him long enough for your friends to escape to safety."
Izuku was right. Before Shigaraki could even look at Ejiro, one of Izuku's men was already on him, then another, and then another one. All of them were doing a good job of buying time.
The screen changed from the camera to the drone news use in more intense fights for safety. Ejiro was running with the cameraman on his back while Mina, Denki, and Sero followed.
They were all alive. Katsuki relaxed, leaning against Izuku's chest. He watched as his group of idiots made it successfully to heroes and nurses, giving them the cameraman, ready to go back to the battle.
Thankfully, some guys stopped them, sending them somewhere to get checked by the nurses.
That's all he saw before the drone turned back to the fight. Now that his friends were safe, Izuku's men retreated, disappearing behind the buildings. All of them ended without a scratch.
The luck was on the hero side today because Shigaraki teleported soon after. Some kind of sludge came out of the man's throat, swallowing him whole. "I'm gonna go take a taxi and go check on them." Shoto said from the telephone. "Make sure to tell them I'm gonna give them a hard time after this."
"I'm sure they know this even without me telling them." He tsked, saying bye before hanging up. Izuku was still quiet, which was a bit off. He looked up at the man who was now in deep thoughts.
"What's wrong?" It took a while for Izuku to process the question, his eyes falling on Katsuki's face. "We are going to war."
A war between two villains. They need to put an end to this or not only them, but innocent people will get hurt too. That was the last thing Katsuki wanted.
"We need to bring out more force, but that can wait until another meeting. Care to join me?" Katsuki rolled his eyes, getting up back to the kitchen.
"You're just saying that so you can see me beat up your allies. You horny bastard." "You are not entirely wrong, but it's still nice to have you around."
This just can't get worse. Izuku came behind him, hugging his tiny waist. They stayed like that, Katsuki put the fork down just so he can lean back against Izuku.
"We will get through this."
Katsuki needed those words. They were about to go to a bloody battlefield, and he wasn't sure if he could stand the sight of it. His imagination was already doing a lot for him.
Izuku's phone started buzzing, startling them both. "Aren't you going to pick up?" The man sighed, looking at the phone tiredly. "I don't think I want to."
Katsuki took the phone instead, looking at the unknown number, and answered it. A voice of an old woman greeted him, she sounded sweet, almost like the nice grandmas in tales.
"Mr. Deku?" Izuku peaked behind katsuki's shoulder to look at the phone. "Yes?" The women on the other end started walking. "The woman you send here has woke up. If you wish to speak to her, we might be able to prepare an appointment?"
At that, Izuku's smile grew a bit wider. Katsuki didn't understand what those two were talking about. What woman did Izuku send where?
"Yes, I will be there as soon as possible, please let me know when's the appointment." The phone call ended, and Izuku moved his hands up, setting Katsuki on the counter.
"Your mother woke up today."
Katsuki couldn't hide the smile that showed up on his face. "Did she really woke up?" Izuku nodded, saying yes at the same time.
His hands, that were on Izuku's shoulder, tighten their grip at hearing that. "I'm sure it won't be long until the doctor calls me back so we should get ready to visit your mom."
All Katsuki managed was a nod, his eyes shining with emotions. Izuku must have seen it, his eyes softening as he pulled Katsuki into a hug. His legs moved around Izuku's waist, letting himself being pulled up.
Izuku carried him into the bedroom, closing the door with his leg and throwing Katsuki into the large bed. They shared a short kiss before Izuku moved to the closet and thrown out some clothes that could fit Katsuki.
A white dress shirt with black trousers. "Where did you get those?" They were still big, but still good enough for him to wear.
"I brought those in here not long ago. I made sure you have something that fits you in every hideout just to be sure." Katsuki nodded, dressing himself up.
Izuku was right, the doctor called not even five minutes after, telling them everything was ready. Katsuki was ready to run off but hold himself. Before he could leave the room to go with Izuku, Katsuki received a picture of his group a Shoto with a message, that they were alright.
They better be or Katsuki will force them to eat all the medication down their throats. With a quick "idiots" he walked with Izuku outside to their car.
The hospital where his mother apparently is, isn't far, only twenty minutes by car. Izuku's Audi was waiting for them at the gate, but it was a different one. This one was white, but the type was the same.
"Ready?" Izuku asked, opening the doors for him. "Ready as I will ever be." The engine started and they headed back to the city. Katsuki let his window opened to let the strong wind into the car.
The weather was nice, the sky was clear, the sun shining, it was just a bit colder. It should start snowing next week, but Katsuki won't let his hopes up. It's not like he liked the cold, but it was definitely better than the hot summer days.
The car ride was mostly quiet, Izuku tried starting a conversation, but Katsuki was way too nervous to be talking. He wondered how his mother is if they treated her right, and how she is holding up.
The way to the hospital was too long for him, even though it was surely less than twenty minutes since Izuku broke some road rules.
He already headed to the lobby asking one of the nurses for a number to his mother's room. She wasn't sure what to do, but when she saw Izuku coming their way, she answered.
His luck was as shitty as it could get because his mother was at the top of the hospital, in the room at the end of the hallway. He took the elevator, calling Izuku's name so the man moved faster.
Katsuki could see his mother's number on the door, ready to open at any minute. Izuku stood right behind him with a smile on his face. It was cute how Katsuki acted like a child about to get his Christmas gift.
The door opened and Katsuki was met with a small room with a window. He could see his mother laying on the bed behind it, her eyes opened, watching the white ceiling. She looked tired.
The small room had a door that led to his mother, but it needed a key card. The one Izuku showed in front of him. Katsuki snatched it, opening the door with a small *pip*.
Mitsuki looked at the door, watching as he and Izuku stepped in.
They made eye contact, none of them spoke for a while. Katsuki felt a bit of joy that his mother is alive but his mom wore an unemotional face.
Katsuki moved to sit next to her, leaving Izuku to stand alone. His mother's eyes followed him to his seat. It was weird, but he let it slide.
Izuku analyzed her, watching her with suspicion. Something was off and Izuku knew it, but he didn't say anything to not make Katsuki uncomfortable.
Mitsuki looked Katsuki up and down, her hands moving up to Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki was confused, but let her mother do as she pleased.
Her soft hands moved up to his neck and stopped there. She glared at him, the disgust in her face was so sudden, even Katsuki didn't know how to react to it.
"Mom?" Her hands gripped his neck, she was furious, ready strangle her own son. His arms moved on instinct, trying to get away from her.
"You killed him!" Oh God, the words let his hold on his mother's hands lose. "How dare you call me your mother! You are the reason he is dead now!"
Katsuki didn't know if he was breathing or not. The world around him was completely quiet. He let go of his mother, looking at her with a defeat.
It was like he stopped feeling, he was numb. Her words echoing in his head again and again.
She was right.
How could he be so selfish and come here? His mom saw him as a killer, as the one who murdered her husband. Why did he only realize it now?
Suddenly, he was pulled away from his mother. Two hands wrapped around him, pulling him backward. The room was filled with doctors, who tried to calm his mother down.
She was still reaching for him, trying to kill him, screaming something he couldn't process cause the room was so quiet.

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