Chapter 47 - I did

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Chapter 47

The airport was huge, not as lively as he expected it to be but it was more than ok to stay like that. The sun was hiding behind clouds that should be bringing snow into Japan.

It was cold, Katsuki despite being always warm, felt the light freeze like a blanket on his skin. Izuku volunteered to warm him up, but he refused, still not over with Izuku's little prank.

Instead, he sat on one of many seats, looking around like a child in an amusement park. Everything was lit even though you would see just fine if it wasn't.

Restaurants and coffee shops were almost everywhere, not even a single one without a customer. Maybe a cup of tea would calm his raising nerves, but to get it, he would have to ask Izuku. Not happening.

The place was mostly made out of glass, so people can watch planes arrive and lend. Katsuki didn't pay attention to that, his eyes were on the board with incoming flights.

Twenty minutes until they will get on a plane. Plenty of time for something to get fucked. With a long exhale, his eyes moved back to the man who was now talking to someone who looked like a pilot.

The idiot looked back at him, licking his lips like he knew something Katsuki didn't. Izuku's eyes flickered with something he didn't have the chance to recognize before the other walked over to him.

"Let's go to the bathroom." His brain stopped working for a second as he thought he overheard wrong. "What?" Izuku's face turned deadly serious.

"You heard me." Katsuki moved back into his seat, his hands crossed over his chest. He didn't miss Izuku's gaze on it before his eyes came back to his again. "You want me to wipe your ass or something?"

His body was almost sent flying by the force of Izuku's hand jerking him forward. "I said no touching!" Izuku didn't listen, leading Katsuki to the bathroom, having his hand in a deadly grip.

The next thing he knew when they entered the bathroom, Izuku threw him in one of the stalls, locking the door and pushing him against the wall. "H-hey! The fu-"

Izuku got on his knees and Katsuki knew exactly where this was going. "You said I need to make it up to you." Katsuki smirked, caressing Izuku's soft curly hair.

"I did." The cocky tone in his voice was unmissable. No force on this earth will convince him to tell Izuku how much he enjoyed the power he was given.

His breath hitched as he watched Izuku bit the slider on his zipper and pulled it down. "Our flight is in about ten minutes." Izuku chuckled, undoing his belt.

"I can make you cum in five." Breath, he told himself. If this is how they're gonna play then be it. Izuku pulled down his pants together with boxers, stroking his half-hard cock.

He kissed his hip, slowly lowering his lips to his thigh. The marks left behind won't stay long nor did they hurt. They were carefully placed on his milky skin on his inner thighs, making him more and more sensitive.

"Izu..." "Shhh, baby. Do you want us to get caught?" Katsuki's hands flew to his mouth, blocking the whimper that came after Izuku took him in one go. Damn that man and his non-existent gag reflex.

His nails dug into his cheek as he tried to hold in his pleading sounds. Izuku didn't move at first, his tongue swirling around the tip, but after Katsuki tug at his hair, giving a sign he wanted him to move, his head did.

He sucked hard, enjoying the way Katsuki broke under his touches. His legs were shaking, barely holding Katsuki up, his face was flushed, red as a cherry, his eyes watery, not letting the tears drip down just yet.

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