Chapter 27 - the exam is starting

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Chapter 27

Aizawa started the exam by putting them into groups of five. Katsuki didn't care who he got in the team, he was going on his own anyway.
His adrenaline was already starting to pick up its power, making him more anxious than he wanted to admit. His classmates weren't any better, Mina was shaking and Denki couldn't control the sparks of electricity from his palms.
Taking a deep breath, he finally looked at the board with names. Ejiro was in a team with him to his surprise but Shoto wasn't. Thankfully, the half and half bastard wasn't against them.
His team included Shinsō, Momo, and Denki, that one was the worst. He made eye contact with Ejiro, both of them nodding at themselves.
His opponents were pretty tough, Jirō is the one he worried about the most, her quirk was very useful, together with Iida's quirk they could strike very fast without them even registering it. Uraraka and Asui were someone he could take care of but underestimating wasn't something he would be doing. Hagaruke was the last one to complete the opponent's team, adding them more stealth attacks.
It wasn't like his team was bad, but it would be hard to team up. Katsuki can be the attack, while Ejiro could be the defense. Momo could cover and help Denki and Shinsō, but they will still have some holes in their tactics.
"Alright, get to your locker rooms and meet me outside." Aizawa snapped him out of his thoughts, leaving the classroom alone. "Man! I'm so glad I'm paired up with you." Ejiro said, and Katsuki bit onto his tongue to not say 'well, you are the only one to think that'.
The class slowly gathered their things, leaving the classroom to change. He walked next to Ejiro before Shoto joined. "Good luck." He said and Katsuki flipped him off with
"I don't need it."
They went into the changing room taking their hero costumes out. Katsuki stopped in front of his locker, opening it with his code before starting to undress. He unbuttoned the shirt pulling it down from his shoulder. He almost yelled when a hand pulled the shirt back up.
With a glare, he turned around to whoever touched him only to see Shoto with an annoyed expression. Katsuki looked at him confused as to why the man did that.
Shoto leaned closer to his ear, saying: "Do you want everyone to see the hickeys?" Wha-? Oh shit, Izuku. Damn him and his kink for leaving marks on him.
"I can cover you, change quickly." "Thanks, I owe you." He said, getting behind Shoto, changing as quickly as possible. They wore their winter type costumes so the hickeys were well covered. Tapping Shoto on the back, he signaled him he changed. Shoto moved after that, getting out his own gear.
They left soon after. It was cold outside even though the sun was shining and the sky was blue, but that might be because it's morning. By the time the exam starts it will warm up.
Their teacher was waiting for them, tapping his foot, already wanting this to be over. He looked at them with a tired look that told them to move their asses.
"Now, first-teams will be fighting on Ground Beta, the second fight will take place at Ground Omega. You will be fighting against each other, trying to get a flag that will be pinned to your costumes. Every team has different colors, the team who gets all of the flags wins. Any questions?"
Well fuck, Iida's will be hard to get, and the fast fucker knew it. He looked at Ejiro and Shinsō. The two of them were talking about something, Ejiro always tries to be friends with everyone, including the purple hair guy.
Shinsō and he didn't talk, but they respected each other, so he wasn't worried about any conflicts with him.
Aizawa moved to give everyone their flags. He took the blue fabric and pinned it on his belt, already going to the arena.
His team was right behind him, talking about tactics and useful attacks, he listened to them and at the same time looked at his surroundings.
Something was off.
For a second, he thought he saw something move in one of the windows but blamed it on his stress. "Katsuki?" He turned to look at his teammates, they were all already staring at him. Did he do something wrong already?
"We will stick together for now." Momo said, starting to walk away. "That's a mistake." He said, getting everyone's attention again. When they didn't say anything he continued.
"They have Jirō on their team, if she hears us, Iida will be after us together with Hagaruke and we lose. It's better to form teams and chose one individual we are after." Momo gave it a thought, her hand on her chin. "You are right. I will make communication earphones so we can talk if we find something or need help." She gave him a small device that he put into his ear. "Alright, I'm guessing you are taking kirishima with you?" Shinsō asked.
"Wait, what about me!" Denki yelled behind Momo, looking at them with puppy eyes. "Momo will need someone for the front attack so it's better for you to go with them."
"We are wasting time here, let's move!" Shinsō yelled, and with that, everyone ran in a different direction.
The city was big, the buildings high and there were a lot of places to take cover in. Ejiro and he had the north side of the city, their main target was Iida, Asui, or Uraraka. The one's more suited for combat.
"Katsuki." His attention came back to his friend who pointed at the road ahead of them. He knew he had sharp eyes but he couldn't spot anything Ejiro implied to.
"What is it?" "I thought I saw something, and it was fast." Katsuki snorted at him. "Maybe Iida?" Ejiro's hands curled up in fists. "No, no... the guy was bigger. I'm not sure."
"Let's just continue, if something happens we can always tell the others through the earphones to help is out."
Katsuki said, taking a side path instead of the road Ejiro pointed at. If Ejiro saw something too, it could mean that an intruder really was here, but he doesn't want to make any quick decisions before he knew for sure.

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