Chapter 30 - Help is on its way

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Chapter 30

Momo was taking her time with making the phone. It was a device with a lot of small and complicated pieces so he couldn't blame her, but Daigo was climbing the building way too fast for her to make it in time.
"We need to leave the building!" Ejiro yelled just as the foundation was totally destroyed. The building was collapsing to the side and Katsuki didn't have much time to think about the ways to escape. So he snagged Ejiro and Momo under his arms while holding Denki with his teeth by the jacket.
Katsuki ran as fast as he could to the edge but due to the stabbed leg, it wasn't quick enough. When he jumped from the edge, the building was already halfway to the ground which was still pretty high.
Ejiro knew what he had to do, he knew Katsuki couldn't use his explosions because he was holding both him and Momo at the same time.
With a bit of struggle, he got out of Katsuki's grip and harden himself to fall safely. Katsuki caught up soon and finally used his explosion to help them land. 
It wasn't pretty lending, they landed hard, everyone breaking in different directions but it wasn't as hard as Ejiro's. The guy was landing with such a force Katsuki thought he died, but when he heard the rocks moving from where Ejiro landed, his worry turned into relief.
The collapse happened on a different side so it didn't affect them too much but the loud sound of the building falling made him deaf for a minute.
When the dust cleared, he could see Momo slowly getting up, and Denki already running to Ejiro to help. The cuts on Momo's thigh and arm from falling on her side weren't pretty. She had a few visible gravels in them that needed to be pulled out.
Denki ended up better, only with bleeding palms and a broken nose. Lucky idiot. Ejiro was standing on his feet too. The side of his head was bleeding but nothing else was out of place, thank God.
The phone! His mind screamed at him. Momo was able to make it before they fell, but where was it! He turned around drastically, trying to find the stupid box on which their life depended on it.
His heart almost stopped working when a loud scream sounded not so far away from them, Daigo was making his way to them. They needed to find it quickly or Daigo will kill them in their condition.
Where the fuck is it! He clenched his teeth, making his way through the broken parts of the building. There wasn't much place he can move since he couldn't feel his leg but that still didn't stop him.
"Oi!" He looked at Denki who pointed at a place not so far away. There in the dirt was the fucking phone. Katsuki crawled to it. It had a broken screen but was still working.
Now, what was Izuku's number? Fuck! Think! He knew it, memorizing it at night when he was attacked so why couldn't he remember now!
"Katsuki! We need to go!" Ejiro pushed him up together with Denki, already moving away from the loud footsteps. Three blades came out of the dust and barely missed Momo who was running their way. "We will meet with the others. Hopefully, they are doing better." Momo said out of breath.
They won't make it if some pro won't step in, everyone knew that but didn't want to give up, so he won't either. "Give me the phone." Denki took the phone into his pocket earlier, and now that Katsuki could remember some of the digits, it would be better if he writes them.
They didn't make it too far but it was enough for him to aggressively write the numbers. The phone number was slowly coming together.
Then he remembered it.
The wall they hid behind exploded, sending Ejiro forward. His body wasn't moving for a whole minute, laying there before they could see him struggle back up. Momo was about to run to him but Katsuki was able to push her closer before the part where she was hidden exploded as well.
They were more villains after them, and with Ejiro down, there was no cover. "Denki, go find the others." He said looking at the phone. "I'm not leaving you!" "Trust me!" Denki still hesitated but ran off anyway.
"Momo, take Ejiro and ran. I will cover you." "What?! No! What about you?!" It was obvious she wasn't going anywhere but he had to make her leave.
"Help is on its way. We will make it. Trust me." That was a lie. He still had to call Izuku. The number was already written on the phone, all he had to do was touch the green button, but Momo had to leave.
Both of them glared at each other before Momo finally nodded. "If you die, I won't forgive you." She whispered before running off to Ejiro.
In the meantime, Katsuki made a big cloud of dust with his explosion, already calling Izuku's number.
The phone rang free times and Katsuki was starting to lose hope. But when the rough but at the same time the gentle voice came out of the phone, Katsuki thought he will start crying.
"Who's this?" Katsuki took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
Fuck, his voice was more pleading than he intended it to be, plus he was sure Izuku heard his voice breaking at the end. "Katsuki?! What's wrong gorgeous, tell me!"
Izuku sounded so worried, it was kind of sweet. "We, " he coughed blood into his hand, "we have been attacked and I'm not sure how long I can stay alive."
He laughed at how silly that sounded, but it made Izuku act immediately so he regretted nothing.
"WHAT?! Fuck!" There was a sound of people running around coming out of the phone. Izuku must be giving orders then. "There is a barrier around us, so getting here on the ground is not possible." Katsuki added.
"Fuck, gorgeous. Stay with me on the phone. Please. I will be with you, I promise everything will be alright, I-... TRACK THE FUCKING PHONE!- *pip* *pip* *pip*"
The call ended. There was barely any signal so he knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Now what? He couldn't run, his hands are out and his mind was getting fuzzier by the minute.
Izuku won't make this in time.
No more attacks have arisen. Quiet followed and Katsuki wondered if the villains left. He wished it was like that.
A hand grabbed him, pulling him up. He could see the feral smile Daigo was giving him, but Katsuki was too tired for that shit.
"He looks half dead, let's take him already. I don't think he will try anything in this state." Slice said and Katsuki wished for his head to be clearer so he could see who made those explosions.
He was dragged with them, walking was pain, and not once he fell down on the floor. They walked around collapsed buildings and destroyed houses until he was in the center of the city.
The center was a large, clear area, perfect for a fight. The knowledge won't help him now since he can't move but he hoped at least his classmates are doing better. Momo would surely lead them to a more stable hiding spot.
"We can go, prepare the portals." Slice said while holding her ear. Someone on the other side must have answered because she moved to place some kind of small equipment on the ground.
It started to flicker when it was placed down. Must be something to sent their position then. Katsuki eyed it. If he was fast enough, he could destroy it with one of his smaller explosions.
With cautious movements, he moved one of his arms up. He didn't look at anybody to not bring up suspicious. This will be easy, almost there.
Just as he was about to fire, the woman, Slice, fell to the ground, a pool of blood surrounding her. He was looking at her with wide eyes. What the fuck just happened? "SLICE!" One of the guys yelled.
Now that no dust was around the man, he remains Katsuki of that man who attacked them at the ball. What was his name? Nine?
Nine ran to the woman but didn't get far because someone started to shoot at them. Daigo covered him with his arms while Nine made an air wall to stop the bullets.
What the fuck is going on? Is he hallucinating? He looked around trying to found out who was behind this but didn't find anyone. Nine had it the same, looking around to find the shooter but didn't find anybody.
"Take the kid, we need to leave the old way." That's when he noticed it. Well, heard it. The sound of the helicopter could be heard not so far away from them. Did the heroes finally make it?
Katsuki didn't have any more time to time think before he was dragged again by Daigo to who knows where. They moved fast but not fast enough to leave the center before the way was blocked by a falling piece of the building.
"Katsuki!" Oh no. "Ejiro! Stay away!" His friend was close to them next to some kind of fake shop and the last thing Katsuki wanted was him running into this mess.
Daigo started to shout, throwing Katsuki away with a lot of force. Katsuki landed on his back, immediately trying to get up and find the reason why the fuck was he thrown.
The beast was holding his bleeding arm, looking up at the helicopter that was now clearly visible. Katsuki didn't hear anybody shoot, so they had to have a silencer. Everyone was now looking at the helicopter that was now landing without difficulties, and both the villains and he didn't take their eyes off of it. Before the rotor blades could fully stop, four men started to move out of it with all kinds of guns and other fighting supplies.
These weren't heroes.
It was like all of his worries left him when one specific man left the helicopter.
"Izuku." He said, the tears of relief pricking at the side of his eyes.
Izuku was wearing a black modern fit suit, the jacket was around his shoulders, moving in the wind like a cape. He took out his black leather gloves, putting them on with his teeth before looking back up.
His eyes met with Katsuki's and for a minute, Katsuki felt like the time stopped. He would have looked at him longer if someone didn't take him by the neck, shifting him backward.  Izuku's gaze came up to the guy who held him, and when he recognized the man with white hair, disgust flickered on his face.
But that changed quickly, Izuku put on a fake smile and without any trace of doubt gave his men an order.
"Kill them."

A/N this took me forever. My head first a lot and I'm going to take a looong nap. (~ v ~;)
>>>Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter and see ya tomorrow. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

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