She's different~Part 3

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Billie's POV:

"WHAT?! That's how it ends?! Are you fucking kidding me? That ending sucked ass." We just finished watching a movie and y/n won't stop complaining about how bad the ending was. "Whatcha wanna do now other than complain about how bad that ending was?" I asked her. She giggled and took her hoodie off. She had a tight shirt on underneath that really showed off her boobs. I licked my lips. "It's so fucking hot in here that now I'm all sweating and gross. Can I take a shower?" "Sure, you can use the bathroom attached to my room." I said, as I opened the door to my bathroom. "Thank youuu." Y/n said, as she was about to take her shirt off. "Can I join you?" I asked her, smirking. "No. Now get the fuck out." She said, as she closed the door right in my face. This. Bitch. Just slammed the fucking door in my face in my own fucking house. I went back to my bed and was on my phone for what seemed like hours when I heard y/n from in the bathroom. "Billieee!" "Yea?" "Can I borrow some of your clothes? I don't wanna put my sweaty clothes back on." "Sure mamas, gimme a sec." I found some black sweats and a black hoodie. I left them on my bed and shouted, "iama be downstairs eating, so you can come out and get the clothes I left for you on my bed!"I walked downstairs and started to eat some takis. A couple minutes later, I heard y/n walking down the stairs and then I saw her appear in my kitchen infront of me. "Damn mamas, you look sexy in my clothes." I said, as I looked her up and down, licking my lips. "Keep your tongue in your mouth." She said, as she sat down next to me. "Whatcha eating?" She asked me. "Well, I would prefer to be eating you, but sadly I'm only eating takis." I said, showing her the bag. She giggled and stole 2 takis from me and shoved them in her mouth. "Oh that reminds me!I'm throwing a party tomorrow, since it's Saturday. Wanna come?" I asked y/n. Y/n finished chewing. "Sure! Also do you think you could take me home rn? I'm tired." "You can sleep here, in my bed if you want." I said, looking her in the eye. "Okie." She said and she ran upstairs. I ran after her. By the time I got to my room, she was already snuggled up in my sheets. I looked at her for what seemed like hours. I heard soft snores and that's what made me realized she fell asleep. "Well, looks like you didn't lie. You were tired." I whispered. She's so beautiful, I thought to myself. I kissed her forehead, and went back downstairs.

~Hours later...~

I heard the front down open. Fuck. someone's home. "What the fuck are you doing home? Did u skip school again?" Finneas asked me, as he sat next to me. "Maybe..." he scoffed. "Did you bring home some bitch to fuck with?" I looked down and played with the rings on my fingers. Y/n isn't just some bitch I would use to fuck. She's more than that. I think about her all the time. I love spending time with her. Just hearing her voice puts a smile on my face. "No, not just some bitch." "Oh? Billie Eilish isn't using girls now? That's new." "Shut the fuck up. She's... different." "Did y'all fuck?" "NO. For now we're just friends." "For now?" "Well, I hope I can date her one day." "I thought you didn't do relationships?" "Like I said, she's different. When I see her I don't just think about fucking her. I think about holding her, and laughing with her." "Awe, cute." I heard a girls voice say. Fuck. Y/n walked into the kitchen and sat next to my brother. "How much of what I said did you hear?" "All of it" y/n smiled and pointed to my brother. "Who dis?" "Thats my brother, Finneas. Finneas, this is y/n." "Hi y/n" Finneas said, holding his hand out for y/n to shake it. She didn't. "Hey loser." She said, smirking. He turned to me, "this the girl you were talking about." I muttered under my breath, "yea.." "she's hot." Finneas said, looking at y/n up and down. "Fuck off." I said, as I hit his arm. Y/n just giggled and got up. She put her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. "Daddy, can we go get food?" She asked me. Butterflies filled my stomach. This bitch knows what she's doing. "Sure mamas." I got up, grabbed my keys, and walked to my car. Y/n followed. We got some burritos and sung along to some music. "Your good at singing." Y/n said, biting into her burrito. "Thanks mamas." I drove to the top of a hill, that looked over the ocean. "Wow!" Y/n said as she got out. We sat on the roof of my car and ate our food. "Hey Billie..." "what's up, y/n?" "Did you mean everything you said to Finneas?" I meant it. My cheeks turned red. I could feel it. "Why are you asking?" She shrugged. "Answer my question, don't avoid it." "Yea, ig I meant it." Y/n smiled. "I had lots of fun today." She said, turning towards me. "Same." We finished eating, and I drove her home. I flopped down on my bed and slapped myself. "What the fuck is wrong with you Billie?" I hate this feeling. I think it's called, love? It's the feeling when you have a crush on someone and I hate it. Lucky, tomorrow's Saturday. Both my parents and Finneas are going out of a town and I get to throw a party. I smiled and went to sleep...

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