Promise~Part 6

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Billie's POV:

I haven't seen y/n at all today at school. I waited for her by her locker, but she never showed up. She also wasn't in math class today. I texted her but she never replied.

(Billies blue, your white)
🔵I had fun :)
🔵I'll see you tomorrow?
⚪️gn, iama go to bed
🔵goodnight princess
🔵hey where you at?
🔵are you at school today
🔵bitch where tf are you.
🔵y/nnn fucking respond

I also called her 100 times. As soon as school ended, I drove to her house and knocked on her door. No answer. "Y/n, are you home?" Fuck, what if she got kidnapped? "Yea... sorry to worry you, I'm home." Y/n said, as she open the door. I hugged her. "Omg dude what the fuck. Don't do that shit to me. what happened? Why didn't you come to school? Why were you ignoring me?" She started crying. "Omg.. shit. Noo don't cry mamas." She closed the door and lead me to her bedroom. Then she ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. I held her hair back and rubbed her back.she finished throwing up and starting crying again. "Shhhh baby don't cry." It broke my heart to see her like this. "B-Billie... I'm scared." She whispered. "Shhh don't be scared mamas." "No billie you don't understand. I've been nauseous and throwing up all morning." Her crying got louder. "It's ok, do you want me to get you some medicine or something?" "OMG, NO. Billie Your fucking retarded. I could be fucking pregnant!" oh shit. "What? I thought you said you were on birth control?" "I am!" She cried some more and I continued to rub her back. Fuck. This is my fault. After awhile she stopped crying and I got up. "Where are you going?" Y/n asked, as I grabbed my car keys. "I'm going to buy a pregnancy test. I'll be back soon." "NO, don't leave me." She teared up again. "Please don't leave me billie...." my heart broke into a million pieces. "Ok, get in the car. I'll take you with me." We drove to the nearest store, brought a pregnancy test, and drove back home. We waited for the results and y/n was a nervous reck. "I can't be pregnant. This is not happening. I don't wanna be a mom!" "Y/N, calm down please." I told her. She sat on my lap, trying to calm herself down. I put my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulders. "It's gonna be ok y/n, I promise." The timer I had set on my phone went off and Y/n rushed to the test. She let out a loud sigh and showed me the test.


"OH thank GOD!!" Y/n said, relieved asf. I was also relieved. "Thank god. The only persons daddy I'm tryna be right now is yours." I said, as I kissed y/n's neck. She giggled. We decided to go out for lunch. Turns out the reasons y/n was throwing up was because she was starving herself. She hasn't eaten in a long time. She only ate around me, to not worry me. I was  a lil mad at her for not eating, but I also felt bad for her. "Table for 2 please." "Coming right up!" We sat down at a nice table by a big window. Y/n looked excited. "Wow this place looks so cool." She said, looking around. I smiled at her. I grabbed her hand and left a small kiss on it. She blushed a lil. We ordered, and our food came pretty fast. We were about to start eating when... "OMG, BILLIE is that you?!" The last person I wanted to see showed up. I turned around to see Lauren running over. My ex. The one who took my heart and broke it into a million pieces. "HEY! How have you been? Long time no see? Who's this?" She asked, point at y/n. "Lauren, this is y/n. Y/n this is Lauren.... my ex..." y/n's smile faded. "Hey y/n! Oh my bad, are you guys on a date?" "Yes! Yes, we are. We would like to eat in peace please..." I said, annoyed at her and her high pitched voice. "Oh! Ok!" She straddled me, causing me to flinch. She whispered in my ear, "if you ever got bored of this one, gimme a call and we can have some fun. I know you miss me, and I guess I could say I miss you too." I wanted to throw up. This. Bitch. She got up and left, sending y/n a dirty look, thinking I wasn't looking. I turned to y/n who looked mad at me. Y/n raised an eyebrow. "What'd she say?" I told her what she said and she frowned. "I'm not that hungry anymore..." she said as she got up and walked to the bathroom. Fuck. I followed her and locked the door behind us. "Y/n! What's wrong?" She didn't say anything. She just looked at me with puppy eyes. (A/n: like dis🥺🥺) I sighed. "Y/n trust me, I'm not gonna call that bitch. She ruined my life and broke my heart. She's the reason I don't do relationships anymore. She's the reason I'm scared to get my heart broken again. I want to slap her so fucking bad. Don't worry about her, ok? She doesn't mean shit to me and she's not gonna ruin us or anything we have. Promise me that you trust me, y/n. Promise me!" A smile grew on y/n's face. "I promise." "Good." I pinned her against the wall and kissed her. She kissed back, until we heard a knock at the door. "Can you hurry up please? I really gotta go..." We laughed and walked out. It was an old lady, who gave us a dirty look as we walked out. We ignored it and finally got to eat our food. We finished eating, got dessert, I paid the bill, and I drove us to y/n's house. "I'm paying next time." Y/n said as she threw herself onto her bed. "Wanna watch some tv before you leave?" She asked me as I laid down and opened my arms out for her. "Sure mamas." She cuddled into my chest and we watch some movies for what seemed like forever. "Hey, I think iama go now, it's probably really late." Y/n looked at the time. "Billie, it's 11:55, I don't want you driving out this late. You should spend the night here." "Alright." Did I mention I'm always horny? "Since I'm here... we should make the most of it." I said, smirking. Y/n rolled her eyes and I started kissing her neck. "Billie..." she said, pushing me away. I frowned at her. "Not rn... I'm tired." She snuggled into my chest again, and tried to fall asleep. I wrapped my arms around her. "Guess I'm not getting laid tonight." I said, frowning. Y/n came up to kiss me. "Correct." We both eventually fell asleep.

Y/n's POV:

"What the fuck Billie, you told me not to worry about her. We made a promise!"

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