Gun~Part 37

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A/n's: so i got so many questions asking me how Billie would've gotten raped since in this story she has a dick. Basically, she would've gotten raped the same way a man would. Yes, men can get raped in case u didn't know. So, yea. Enjoy the chapter ig😃

A couple weeks later....

Y/n's POV:

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Billie said, as she watched me take out my books from my locker. "Me too Billie." I shut me locker and we both began walking towards our class. Lindsay went on vacation, so we haven't seen her for a couple weeks. Today unfortunately, we did see her, since it was her first day back. "Hi ladies." We heard her say behind us. "Look, I said I'm sorry about my sister ok." We still didn't turn around and we just kept walking. "Ok well then be that way. I'm throwing another party tonight, so come if you want. I don't care." Billie stopped and turned around. "You know what Lindsay, fuck you and your parties. Your sister can suck my dick and so can all ur friends. My life was the fucking worse for a long ass time because of me going to your stupid fucking party!" At this point, Billie was yelling. "Baby calm down...." I said, as I rubbed Billie's back. "Yea, listen to your bitch." Lindsay said. I turned Billie around and we started walking away again. "Just forget it..." I whispered. We walked past the bathroom and someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me into the bathroom. "Uhhh." A girl with blue hair pushed me and Billie into a stall. "Listen to me. I used to be friends with Lindsay. I'm not her friend anymore because I noticed that she is an absolutely bitch. She told me and the rest of her friend group this. You can't tell her you got this from me, or she'll kill me. Lindsay paid her sister to kiss Billie. She thought it would make y/n mad and make y/n break up with Billie. You didn't hear it from me." With that, the girl opened the stall door and walked out of the bathroom. I quickly ran after her. "Wait, what's your name?" I asked. "Julia." She turned into another hallway and Billie came up behind me. "Wow. What a bitch." Billie whispered. "Mhm."

After school.

"Billie can we talk?" I said, as Billie plopped herself onto my bed. "Sure, what's up?" "I need you to come to Lindsay's party with me." "what? Are you fucking crazy? No, I'm not going and your not going either. Fuck dat hoe." "Billie, please I have a plan...." "plan for what?" "Well.... I wasn't gonna do it, but I thought about it long enough and....."

"Ok fine." Billie said. Billie drove back to her house to pick something up, and then picked me up. We both drove to Lindsay's house in silence. We parked and Billie put her hand on my thigh. "are you sure about this mamas?" "Yes." We got out of the car and walked inside. "I'll know it's him when I see him." Billie said. The house was crowded with lots of people. "Hey sexy." We heard someone say. I turned my head to see a girl that looked just like Lindsay standing behind Billie. Billie quickly turned around to face her. "what the fuck do you want." I knew the girl, it was Lindsay's sister. The girl that kissed my girlfriend. "I was just gonna ask if you want to kiss again." A dirty smirk appeared on her face. I fake coughed loudly. "Excuse me, I'm right here." I said. Lindsay's sister turned towards me. "And you are?" "Her fucking girlfriend." Lindsay's sister laughed. "Your girlfriend is a little slut. She kissed me and your still with her? What's wrong with you?" I had enough of this bitch so I punched her in the face. "You little...." she was about to punch me back when we heard Lindsay. "Sister, stop tryna fight. That bitch isnt worth fighting." Billie swiftly punched Lindsay straight in the face.

"You ok?" I asked billie, as she cleaned the blood off her knuckles. "Yea, how about you?" She asked me, as i wiped the blood off of my own knuckles. "Fine." We both stepped outside for some fresh air. "Yo, yall knocked those bitches out!" We heard some boys yell shit like that as we walked out. "It felt so good to finally beat the fuck out of them." I told Billie. Billie froze. She stared at something with wide eyes. "What are you looking at-" I turned around to see her look at a pool. "Is this where it happened?" I asked her. She nodded. "Come on, we gotta leave this place. He's clearly not here." "Alright." We walked to the front of the house and we were about to get into Billie's car when we heard someone yell, "hey, you, the one with the big boobs and green hair. Remember me?" Billie turned. I saw a guy with blonde hair and green eye walking towards us. Andrew. He looked just like he did in his insta pictures. "Oh fuck no...." I whispered as he stood in front of us. "Yea, I remember you. How could I not? I had so much fun that night." I could basically smell Billie's urge to kill this guy.  He smirked at her. "Oh trust me I know. Who's this?" He asked, referring to me. "That's my friend. Her names y/n." I waved at him. "Hey sexy." At this point, Billie was glaring at him. Billie cleared her throat. "Hey, I never got your name that night." "Andrew." "Nice. So, Andrew, wanna come over to my house?" He was clearly drunk. "Bettt." He said, as he got into the passengers seat of Billie's car. I sat in the back and Billie sat in the drivers seat. She began driving and this fucking asswhole flirted with us the whole damn car ride. We arrived at Billie house and Billie lead us to her roof. I was staring to get worried. Billie noticed, but couldn't say anything. "What the fuck are we doing up here?" Andrew asked. "Oh, I thought we could all look at the stars together.." Billie said. He frowned. "Nah baby, I'm hard. I was thinking of doing something else..." he whispered, as he put his hand on Billie's arm. "Dont fucking touch her." I said, as I yanked out the ✨gun✨ that I was carrying in my jacket pocket. "YO, what the fuck, put that away." He put both his hands up in the air and Billie stood far away from both of us. "No, I won't put this away! You fucking raped my girlfriend, and you think your just gonna get away with it?" I said, burning with anger. "I didn't fucking rape her! She was practically begging me to fuck her." (A/n's: if you know where that line is from, I love u😃) Billie pitched in, "FUCK YOU! I said stop about 100 times but you didn't give a single fuck!" I walked toward him while speaking, "You raped her. She didn't want you. Your a fucking asshole, you know that? You hurt her and you clearly don't care." At this point, he was cornered at the edge of the roof. One more step back and he would fall down. "Your girlfriends a fucking pussy. She could've left if she wanted to, but she didn't. You just can't accept the fact that she cheated on you. I bet you guys both cried about it like fucking babies." I put the gun against his chest. "Y/n!" I heard Billie yell. I turned around and looked her in the eyes. "Happy one year anniversary mamas." I smiled at her and pulled the trigger.

A/n's: bye this makes no sense da fawk👩🏻‍🦯👩🏻‍🦯

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