Jayden~Part 29

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Y/n's POV:

"Ughh." I groaned softly. Billie smirked as she watched me struggle to get up. "Billie I don't think I can fucking walk." I said, as I fell back onto her bed. Billie laughed and kissed my forehead. "Sorry about that mamas." Billie got up and threw one of her large hoodies at me. "Here put that on. You should stay home today." I smiled weakly at Billie. I took off my shirt so I was just in my bra. I slipped on the hoodie and laid back down on Billie's bed. "Yea iama stay home today. Can I stay here?" I asked Billie as she slipped on some sweats. "Sure baby." I wrapped myself in Billie's bed sheets and blankets to keep warm. They smelled just like Billie. "Ok, iama go now. Don't miss me too much." Billie said, as she kissed me. "I will." I said, smiling at her. Once Billie left I instantly feel asleep.


I woke up to Billie shaking me softly. "Baby... wake up." I groaned as I sat up. I opened my eyes to look at Billie and she had bruises all over her face. "Omg Billie what the fuck happen!" I asked as I looked at her face. "I got into a fight..." "with who?" "My ex best friend..." I sighed. "Tell me what happened." "Well, I heard her talking about how she once saw you with cuts on wrists and it drove me crazy. I lost the fight...." I looked at her with wide eyes. "YOU LOST?" "Yea...." I was shook. Billie has never lost a fight before. "Holy fuck." I went over and hugged her. "She's a good fighter." Billie admitted. "Who did you say this was?" I asked. "Her names Jayden." "Why did you guys stop being best friends?" I asked her. She shrugged. "We just drifted, that's all." I knew she was lying. Billie avoided eye contact as she played with the rings on her fingers. Why wouldn't she just tell me the truth? She knows how important honesty is to me. "Oh ok. Want me to help you with that?" I said, pointing at Billie's face. Billie smirked. "No, but you can help me with this.." Billie said, pointing to her bulge.

~The next day...~

I convinced Billie to stay home from school today. "Hey!" I said as I walked up to Zoe. "Hi y/n! Wheres Billie?" I sighed. "She stayed home today. Can I ask you something?" "Go for it." "Who is Jayden? Like what does she look like, I wanna talk to her." Zoe's expression on her face was unreadable. "Please don't get into a fight with her..." Zoe said, sounding concerned. "Don't worry I just wanna talk with her." I laughed slightly. "Oh ok." Zoe looked around. "Oh, she just walked into that bathroom." She said, pointing to the bathroom down the hall. "Ok, thank you!" I said as I ran down the hall. I walked into the bathroom and saw a girl. "Hey, are you Jayden?" I asked . The girl looked at me, in fear? "Yea thats me... look about the fight yesterday.... I didn't mean to hurt her that badly...." I chuckled softly. "Nah your good. You must be really good at fighting. I admire u for winning." I looked her up and down. She's pretty, I thought to myself. "Oh, um, thank you?" She was definitely confused. "Can I ask something?" I asked. "Sure." Jayden didn't seem like the fighting type. "Why did you and Billie stop being friends? Don't hold back and tell me the truth. I won't hurt you, I swear." Jayden licked her lips and sighed. "We Stopped being friends because when Lauren and Billie broke up, Billie got depressed. She was always stressed and wanted to end her life. She relived stress and numbed her pain by fucking people, that's why she used to be a hoe. I told her she shouldn't just fuck people and then leave them and that it was wrong. I told her she should get real help and she went all crazy on me." She paused. "Also, I wasn't talk bad about you, I was just saying how I felt bad for you that you felt like you needed to hurt yourself...." I sighed softly. "It's all good. I don't really care to be honest. Thanks for telling me." She smiled weakly at me. "Well, I should get going to, um, class." She was about to walk out the door. "Wait, can I get your Snapchat?" I asked her. She stopped and turned around. "Um, sure." Once I added her on snap, I asked her, "do you miss her? Like do you miss being her best friend?" Jayden sighed. "I guess, but she seems happy with Zoe." Jayden left the bathroom and I went to class.

"I'm back!" I said, as i threw my backpack on the floor. "Hey mamas." Billie said, as she brought me into a warm hug. She pecked my lips and dragged me to her room. "Guess what." "What?" "We're home alone." Billie said with a smirk. "Ok and?" Billie threw me onto her bed and straddled me. "Come on mamas. You know what I want." I couldn't help but smile at her. I felt myself get wetter every second.

"Y'all were so fucking loud! We could hear everything!" Finneas complained. Maggie pitched in, "maybe next time you guys could be more quiet or play some music or something...." Billie got up and closed the door, "K will do." Billie came back onto her bed and she laughed a lil. "Billie u dumb bitch! That's not funny.." "it's not my fault they came back early. Also u were the one being hella loud." I crossed my arms. "I wasn't even that loud...." Billie laughed, "yes you were. You were like screaming." She than began to mimic me, "AH fuck Billie! Don't stop! FUCKK!" I punched her arm. "Billie, fucking stop!" I said. Billie smirked at me. "I don't remember you saying that?" I laughed a lil and cuddled into her. She kissed my forehead softly. "Billie?" "Yes princess." "Why did you lie to me?"

A/n: 19 days till my birthday😃😃

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