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On getting to the penthouse,she walked past the guards in anger,they had never seen her like that,a way was paved for her,she went directly to the private lift reserved for only her, Pascal and any other family or friend.


Eliza darted to the entrance of the penthouse,she barged in, threw her bag on the nearest sofa and headed to the master bedroom where Pascal was busy resting,he got up when he heard the door's barging sound.She threw her phone at him and said in a chiding tone"explain that."Pascal caught her phone and answered"it's just a picture Liza."

'what's wrong with her now?'

"What were you doing in there?"
"What do you mean?"Pascal stood up and went to her side where she was wiping off her makeup,she was careful not to put on too much makeup.She loved her natural beauty,one of the reasons Pascal fell in love with her.

"She's seducing you and your obviously falling for her."she spat in fury.

"Your making a mistake Liza, that's not happening,we were only talking."

"And smiling,she's clinging to you Pascal and holding your arm too.I'm not blind you know...where do you know her from? have you met her before? do you have an affair with her?"
"That's all bullshit Liza , that's only our first meeting, I'll never have an affair with someone else if I'm with you."Eliza wasn't believing him,she went to the kitchen and poured herself a bottle of whiskey.

"I find that hard to believe."
"How did all these things get into your head?...it's those friends of yours."he was sure of it.
"Don't bring them into this, I've had enough Pascal,that explains why we haven't been on the same page for years now.It's because of Naomi,right?what do you see in her anyway? I'll bring her down with just a snap of my fingers.I can't believe you'll do this."

"Your always blaming someone for something you did wrong, first Wilfreda now Naomi."
"This is both yours and Naomi's fault, I trusted you,how could you do this to me?"she emptied the remaining whiskey and jabbed"I don't want to talk about this anymore, you disgust me Pascal."

"I've had enough of your accusations for a long time now."he glowered,he was pretty mad now,he knew who caused this;those friends of hers.He grabbed a coat and walked out leaving a chagrined Eliza on the cold marble floor.

They argued continually for a week straight, their family and friends feared the worst; DIVORCE.Eliza was ready to get it over with, despite the pain she had in her heart,she loved him but this was unnaceptable, they've been going at it for a long time now.She pouted her lips holding the divorce papers as she walked up to Wilfreda's desk.
Wilfreda didn't forget that face she never will,she let her through after sending a message to her boss.

Eliza strode in and was before Pascal in no time,they were seperated by his table.Pascalsat on his chair while Eliza stood.

"Have a seat."
"I don't need to, I won't stay for long."giving a forceful exhalation through her pursed lips,she dropped the papers infront of him on his table,he flipped through them.

"They're divorce papers, I've signed it,sign where you need to, you may get your lawyer."

She really filed for a divorce

He refrained himself from filing for one for years and just because of a picture on the internet she actually filed for one.
Her voice said something else but her eyes didn't mean it.He looked up to her,his eyes beseeching for answers.

"Do you really want this?"
"I've already signed it."
"That doesn't give an answer to my question."
"I don't have time for this Pascal, sign where you need to and send them back to me.I need to go."she replied with her eyes downcast before walking out of the office waiting for no reply.

Pascal threw the papers to the farther edge of his table when he realised something he hadn't looked at in a long time.It was a framed portrait of Eliza from about 6 years ago,he hadn't had the time to change it because of Eliza's so called busy schedules.
To be honest, Eliza's features hadn't really changed only her lifestyle did,he wanted the old Eliza he fell in love with,he knew deep down in his heart she could come back to him if he made effort and his eyes turned to the divorce papers.

He won't give up on her,he still wanted her by his side.Pascal knew what he wanted but Eliza won't go easy on him she was truly stubborn but he would tame her anyways,he did it once and there's no harm in doing it again.

He buries his head in his hands while thinking of the nearest step to take.

Pascal came back home later ,he spent the whole day since Eliza left his office, thinking of how to save his marriage.
Today was one bad day!

Pascal dropped the divorce papers in his study room confined in a drawer.He got to his room expecting to see Eliza sleeping but didn't find her in there.He took off his suit and took a cold shower before changing into his shorts but was shirtless.

Eliza where are you now?

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