Chapter 2 (Percy)

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I do not own Percy Jackson. The rights belong to Rick Riordan

School was somehow worse than usual. Turns out being popular is worse than being a loser. Go figure. Now most of the girls had tried asking me out. This lead to a lot of boys being jealous and resenting me so yay fuck life. Honestly the girls asking me out is annoying cause at first I would blush and apologize saying that I liked someone else as I didn't know if I should tell people about Annabeth. but now it has  gotten predictable. The talk to each other to boost there confidence then come in a row asking me out. My response by default is not interested but some of them aren't giving up and its annoying. 

When I say I like someone else they will go "So your playing hard to get" and get overly feely and touchy, its getting to be a problem. but that isn't the worst of my issues, turns out Matt Sloan goes here. He got taller and more confident but still believes that he is the hottest thing in this Bloody school. Anyway during the first lesson math's I was sat at the back, zoned out cause I mean its math's. And I vaguely remember the teacher saying something and "sit next to him then."

I heard someone sit down and turned around and I saw her. "Annabeth" I said in a shocked whisper

"Hey Seaweed brain" she teased in a hushed tone

"why are yo-" I started


I spent the whole lesson just looking around. her long curly blond hair fell on her shoulders gracefully. Her skin was even more tanned and her clothes looked great but they were splatted with monster dust. I gazed at her intelligent grey eyes that if I concentrated on them they looked like shattered glass. I saw all the boys staring at her with lust filled faces whereas the girls had pure disgust painted on their faces. I wanted to kiss her badly but decided against it. I couldn't help but feel proud to have her as my girlfriend. I saw her bead necklace and she was wearing the prismarine birthday ring I gave her with a diamond in the center. 

After 40 minutes we were out of the lesson were I pulled her into an enormous hug. It was after this she explained her school had shut down  so a lot had transferred to Goode. In a secluded corner I asked "if we should keep our relationship secret" and she said " we should so our respective friends would first learn to treat us as friends." After she told me this I asked her to make it simpler and she said yes. So while nobody was watching I pressed my lips against her cheek and dragged her to meet my friends. As I dragged her I noticed some purple and yellow bruises on her shoulder and torso. they looked like she got them from monster fights as there were large fading scratches on these bruises. we were coming back from 2 weeks of and she had been with her family so I realized that it had not gone well, as monsters attacked. 

"im guessing you got kicked out of the house" I said so only she could hear.

"How did you find out"

" I saw the monster bruises" 

"Ahh gotcha, thanks for paying attention Perce"

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