Chapter8 (Percy)

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Annabeth had said yes to telling people. I had laid with her that night as she was still a bit scared but we got through the night just fine. Her PTSD was getting worse I realized. I checked the date and it was the same week we had first fallen down. She probably had realized this and had gotten worse. I nudged her and said in the most evil voice I could

"I have Captured you my Princess"

"Shut up Percy"

I leaned in to kiss her but she flicked my forehead,

"not until you have brushed your teeth mister."

"Fine " I said while pouting, she let out a laugh and then I walked of brushing my teeth. I came back in to her being half changed wearing trackies but she only had her bra and necklace on her top. She was staring at the beads as if thinking about making a monument for all of the people we had lost. I don't know why I knew what she was thinking this but I guess it came from knowing her for years. I started to kiss her breaking her concentration

Between kisses she managed to say

"We both still need to get changed"

"Just 1 more minute "I said

"Fine" she replied as I kept kissing her, my hands were running up and down her back making her shudder. Now I knew how to annoy her today.

"Percy it been five minutes"

"Fine" I said as I backed of looking at her.

"Err Annabeth"


"I kinda gave you a hicky last night."

"Its fine we aren't hiding it anymore remember"

"Oh yeah" we got changed and ate a quick breakfast and got in my car. We stopped outside of School. We were pretty early so not many people were here. So we went to our lockers.

Annabeth POV:

It took me ages to organize everything in mine so when I closed it I saw Percy's face.

"How long were you waiting" I asked

"'Bout a minute"

I laughed and kissed him on the nose. he responded by wrapping his arms around me and kissing me passionately.

"Ermm, Percy no Romance in the corridors" Percy's stepdad said

"So what I don't care" Percy said

"Fine but a different teacher might give you guys detention, Bye"

I muttered "Seaweed brain" then my Seaweed brain proceeded to kiss me over and over before grabbing my hand so we could get out of the way.

"People are showing up now" I said

"'Kay" he said as I walked with him to near our classroom. I was leaned against him for support.

Kyle POV:

I walked to school with Simon. Today was the day I asked out Annabeth and got her away from Percy. As we walked to class I saw her. She was leaned against Percy. They looked like a couple. Like Annabeth would ever date someone like Percy.

"Hi guys" Simon said nervously. He was scared of Percy ever since finding out about him being a terrorist.

"Hey" Percy said, he looked kinda tired. Now that I think about it so did Annabeth. it probably wasn't important. Maybe construction was being done near them.

"Hey Annabeth" I said

"Hi" she said. she had less energy in her voice then usual. As she turned I saw a fresh mark on her neck. I was boiling with anger. Percy had hit her or something. Charlotte Ran up to us.

"Hi guys" she said. We all said hi back

"Where is Jennifer" Percy asked.

"She is sick." Charlotte responded. The bell rang and we headed to our lessons. Percy had Marine Biology, Charlotte had Cooking and Simon had Sport. Annabeth had picked Architecture, so I had picked it to see her more. I was sat next to her in the Lesson. She looked tired but had her gaze fixed on the teacher which I knew was hard since she had ADHD. This was another thing I liked about her, she would do anything to learn, when we date that is something im gonna tell her to make her blush.

"Mr smith could you please pay attention" the teacher said

"Sorry Miss" I said quickly and we continued with the lesson.

After the lesson we headed to English. Another lesson without Percy this was becoming my day. After ten minutes of the lesson I looked at the back of the Classroom where Annabeth had fallen asleep. I looked away so the teacher wouldn't notice and let her sleep. I wanted her to have enough energy to kiss me when I asked her out. After 4 minutes I heard her scream and cry out. she was still sleeping but she was wailing and screaming. Then she started screaming out someone's name.

"Percy. Percy. Percy no no no no no Percy, Please no" She shrieked

I ran to her and tried to shake her awake but she wouldn't wake.

"Annabeth its me Kyle" she didn't wake up but she kept screaming his name. The teacher looked shocked but I heard our door get flung open and someone rushed to Annabeth. Maybe it was a nurse. I looked up and saw Percy. He rushed to her side and carefully took her of the chair and laid her down on the floor next to him.

"Umm young man I don't thin-"

"Shut the fuck up" he shouted angrily then his voice changed into a gentle tone.

"Annabeth its ok im right here" "Annie don't worry" "its fine Wise girl" "come on wake up" "We are not there" "Annabeth you are gonna be fine"

I saw Annabeth start to stir when he wrapped his arms around her.

"P-P-Percy" she said shakily.

"What just happened" Miss said

"She had a panic attack" Percy said as he picked her up in his arms.

"Sorry for yelling at you but I needed to wake her up" he said "Im taking her to the medical room"

Our teacher just nodded, she was shocked like the rest of us. Annabeth seemed too emotionally stable to have a panic attack. Percy was carrying her bridal style out of the door as he took her to the medical room. After that I just couldn't do my work. How did he wake her up. He abused her yet he was the only person that could wake her up. She probably just woke up after a while. yeah that has to be what happened. After the lesson I bolted to the Medical room where I saw her asleep on his lap all curled up like a child.

"Is she okay" I said


"But she had a panic attack"

"she has them often"


"Why should I tell you"

"you will tell me or ill tell everyone about all your problems with the law."

I could see him thinking finally he gave an answer. I could feel him being genuine when he said it

"She has PTSD, I will not tell you why and your gonna fuck of until she wakes up."


"Cause when she first wakes up if she doesn't see me she will have an absolute break down."

"Sure" I snorted. he stared at me in a way that I couldn't comprehend. I realized how muscular he was. His arms were covered in scars and his face had a few too. His eyes were seething with anger. They made my entire body yell RUN but I was too scared to move.

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