Chapter 14(Fredrick Chase)

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My daughter was coming home. Helen had baked a cake and the twins were still just running around outside. My daughter was coming home, probably with one of her girl friends. (He means friends that are girls) I had met a work colleague who had a son. The kid was smart and was going to Harvard. He had seen a picture of my daughter a while ago and had told me he liked her after I told him her personality. Im kind of hoping they hit it off as I wouldn't mind him being my son in law. Also he was able to get her in Harvard so I think they will end up together.

While I was lost in my train of thought I heard a knock on the front door. I opened it and I was greeted by Annabeth. She hadn't grown but she had gotten leaner. She also seemed to have different eyes as normally there was a glint in her eyes but now they looked slightly hollow. I ignored it though.

"Annabeth" I said pulling her into a hug. Every part of her exposed skin had scars. Some were faint and faded but I saw a few large ones that looked like they were never going away. Monsters I thought.

"Dad how are you" she said after the hug.

"We have been good, but where is your friend?" I asked her

" Oh they are grabbing our things." 

After a few seconds a young man walked into our room carrying some bags. He had raven black messy hair and sea green eyes. He was tall and lean, his arms were muscular. He was wearing a grey top and faded jeans. His eyes also looked hollow. Oddly enough he was also caked in scars. He seemed familiar but I couldn't remember him.

"Hey Percy" Annabeth said grinning as she walked over to him grabbing her bags. His name also seemed familiar.

"No problem Wise girl" he responded before putting the bags down and sitting on the Sofa.

"Dad this is the friend who is going to be staying with us." she told me. I tried not to get angry. He probably was just a friend as Annabeth would never go out with someone like that. He looked like a player with his good looks and troublemaker smile.

"Hi Percy" I told him with my hand extended. He shook it, he had a strong grip. They started to unpack everything. When I showed him to the guest room I saw a flash of panic in Annabeth's eyes. 

"Don't worry, I'll be there if it happens." He said in a gentle voice. I didnt know what he was talking about but went downstairs to talk to Helen.

After an hour I heard a knock on the door. Perfect I thought. Now I can introduce Annabeth to John. 

"Helen can you get them to come down" I asked


I then opened the door and talked to John and his father Samuel. After a minute they both came downstairs. 

"Annabeth this is John, John this is my daughter Annabeth."  I told them both. I could see John gawking at my daughter. When I looked at her I saw a friendly smile on her face. It was going good so far. When we sat down for dinner I put John opposite Annabeth. I was able to move Percy to the other side of the table. John was talking to Annabeth about school while she talked about architecture. 

Percy wolfed down his food before anyone else. He then complimented Helens cooking which caused her to thank him. After we where all finished my wife took out the cake. I then saw Percy take out a tin.

"I figured I should also bring a desert" he said. "My mother said you should always be nice to your host."

John POV:

Annabeth was beautiful. But I wondered why the guy was staying with us in her house. He was probably a relative or something. I kept staring at Annabeth all night. When the boy took out the tin I saw something weird.

"Why are the cookies blue" My dad said in a disapproving voice. Annabeth let out a laugh. It sounded like an angels.

"It is kinda a big deal with him that everything be blue." Annabeth told us with a chuckle. They were relatives so I guess they knew this about each other but from the surprised look on Fredrick's face I guessed they were distant relatives. But they smelled good so I had one. They were the best thing I had ever tasted. Soon they were all gone as we all pounced on them.

"Why don't you guys stay the night" Fredrick told us. We had a plan. I was going to be in the 2'nd guest room next to hers. We had a toilet that connected up our rooms. This meant we would see each other a lot. I couldn't wait.

"Sure" my dad said. He also knew the plan. When we went up to bed I walked in on her brushing her teeth. She was wearing a large shirt that went down to her knees. I didnt know what she was wearing on her legs as it was not visible.



"Do you want to  hang out tomorrow"




"Goodnight" I said as she walked to her room. I stayed up for a while playing on my Phone. At about 1 I heard an awful scream. I realized it was Annabeth. As I ran to her room I saw her door get flung open as that Percy kid ran in. He leaped onto her bed and started to cradle her in his arms. 

"I'm okay, Your okay. We are free"

Her screams continued and I realized she was screaming out a name

Percy. All of us where there. We had tried to ask Percy what was happening but he had glared at us and continued to speak gently to her. Eventually she woke up and Percy pulled her into a hug. She had tears streaming down her face.

"B-B-Bob died and then you stayed behind with Damsen and, and, and-" she sobbed

"Don't worry I'm still here" Percy told her as she hugged him tightly.

"What the fuck just happened" my dad said

"I don't know" Said Mr Chase. We all stared at Percy. He glared back at us. God he was terrifying.

"Well im not gonna tell you that is up to Annabeth."

" I-I-I will th-think about it tom-tomorrow " she stuttered. Then she curled up in Percy's arms and fell asleep. He laid down with her on top of him. I felt anger boil in my chest. Why the fuck was she sleeping on him. I don't care if they are related what if he tries to rape her. 

"Umm Percy" Fredrick said nervously

"Yeah" he said with an angry voice.

"Why is my daughter sleeping on you"

"Cause it is the only thing that calms her down." he said matter of factly "No if you will leave us alone that would be nice." His glare was terrifying.

"Fine" Helen said in an exhausted voice. 

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