Chapter 7 (Kyle)

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As I walked into Art class I saw Annabeth next to Percy. Percy had bags under his eyes but looked happy. He and Annabeth were talking and constantly touching each others arms and hair. How dare he touch my future girlfriend. I just decided they were good friends and I sat next to Percy.

We all started to chat.

After 2 weeks.

I have a project with Annabeth. We are going to do it at her house. I cant wait. We take the bus to her apartment. We go up the stairs instead of the elevator. Weird. We go and do work in the living room the furthest room on her bottom floor from the door. We brainstorm ideas and just keep working. I stare at her whenever I have the chance. After an hour I hear the doorbell ring and Annabeth says that she will get it. i stare at her ass (Creep) as she walks away.

Annabeth POV:

Percy is at the door with his lopsided grin and I say his name as he walks in and starts to kiss the side of my neck.

"Perrrrrrrrcy" I say as he continues.

"Stop Percy" his kisses start to rise to my cheek.

"Per-" his lips connected with mine as he slammed the door shut with his foot. And he starts trying to pull of my hoodie.

Kyle POV:

I hear her say "Percy stop" then I hear her start to say Percy then a loud slam and she stops talking. I run towards the entrance and I see him tug on the arms of her hoodie. They don't seem to notice me and I hear him say

"But I want my hoodie back" he says then pouts. I hear her let out a beautiful laugh. I walk back around the corner when she says

"We have a guest come on"

As they walked into the room Percy smiled and said

"Hey Kyle"

"Hi Percy"

"Hey Wise Girl"

"Yes Seaweed Brain"

"I'm going to my room."

"Bye" she said to him as he went up the stairs

"He lives her?" I said.


I was shocked. How did I stand a chance. Outside I saw a motorbike, of course he had one

The next day I was talking to my friends.

" Ok guys Annabeth and Percy live together" I said. they all looked shocked. "Also am I the only one who thinks he is a bad influence."

Charlotte agreed but the other 2 asked why.

"He has a tattoo, A motorbike, he didn't listen to Annabeth telling him to stop and then I heard a loud bang and she stopped talking." I said.

"Did you see what happened next."

"He was trying to pull of her hoodie." "then she told him he had guests and stopped immediately."

"Ok that's suspicious "Jennifer said

"I think we should look him up cause I think his name was on the news one time" Simon said.

So after class I searched him up and this guy seemed like a terrorist. Abduction of his mother, blew up the St. Louis arch, blew up a schools gym, destroyed a bus, blew up the band room here. Jesus Christ this guy is insane. I was looking for my friends when I saw Annabeth. It was super hot today so she had to wear a T-shirt. She had bruises around her neck and all over her arms. Some yellow others purple.
This guy abused her. That sunovabitch hurt her. How dare he. No wonder she stopped talking he probably had hit her.

"Hey Annabeth" I said staring at her bruises.


"What happened" I said she paused and I could see her eyes thinking, like trying to find an excuse.

"Cycling accident" she said finally. I didn't believe it and I think she could tell. Suddenly Matt Sloan started wrapping his arms around her trying to kiss her. Her arms were pinned to her chest and she didn't have enough space to kick him. She kept moving her head around and yelled in frustration. I stepped forwards but his friend got in the way. I realized that there was 6 of them. I saw Percy running past me as he threw a punch knocking the guy down. they circled him but he got on of them with a sharp jab in the gut and stood on the others foot. That one tried to throw a punch, but he sidestepped grabbed the guys wrist and pulled it towards him while he held out an elbow. The guys face slammed into it and was sent flying backwards. The others backed of as he ripped Matt of Annabeth and stood In front of her protectively.

"What the actual fuck" Percy yelled at him. He went straight for Sloan but Annabeth put her hand on his shoulder

"Percy we don't need you to have a suspension for fighting again" she said. Her touch seemed to soothe him but if looks could kill, Matt would be 6 ft under.

"f-fine" He spat as Annabeth led him away. This looked like a regular occurrence which made me feel better about my theory. He was a violent person, it made sense now.

By the time I found my friends they had heard about the fight so i told them the truth and all my suspicions.

"We need to get Percy away from Annabeth" Simon said.

"Agreed" we all said. I told them where they lived and Jennifer let out a gasp.

"There Apartment is next to mine" she said.

Jennifer POV:

I was shocked. But I was glad, it meant I could check on Annabeth.

When I got back home I watched a film then I decided to check on Annabeth. I went outside her room and heard her crying. I checked the door and it was unlocked. I had my phone ready to call someone but what I saw shocked me. Annabeth and Percy were kissing. He gently talked to her and I could hear him say

"Annabeth im here don't worry." and "We are free from that place." and I saw him brush the tears of her face then when she leaned in to kiss him, she saw me.

"Jennifer" she said her voice was shaky.

"Sorry I just found out I live near you and wanted to say hello" I said sheepishly.

"Its fine" Percy said "just ahh awkward timing"

"So you guys are a thing" I said

Percy nodded then said "Im just gonna take Annabeth to her room so she can calm down. He then picked her up like she weighed nothing and carried her bridal style up the stairs. he came down after a minute and said "Ill answer some questions" he put emphasis on some.

"How long have you been dating"

"2 years and a bit" he said "But I've known her since we were 12"

"Wow." I said. "Why is she covered in bruises"

"That's personal and even if I told you, you would say im lying"



"I have two more questions"

"Someone has found all these articles about you like the St. Louis Arch." I said while wincing I was also careful to say it was not Kyle.

"Yeah the arch that was not my fault. Im guessing they didn't find the fact that that year I was being held hostage by this guy and kept trying to escape. all of those stories were mostly other people getting it wrong as all of them have been resolved. Every news story"

"Ahh ok"

"Finally, can I tell people your dating"

"Ill have to ask Annabeth but if you at all see us kissing in school its a yes but we will tell you if it is a no."

"Ok thanks." I said and told him to say bye to Annabeth for me and walked of back home realizing we had got it all wrong about Percy and he just had a fucked up life.

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