Chapter 6 (Percy)

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As I walked to my wise girl with our food I saw a guy walk up to her as she leaned on a wall reading, so he put his hand by her head. I set down the food and walked towards them. I realized it was Matt Sloan. 

"come on baby I know you want too"

"Piss of"

"Playing hard to get are you"

"Go away"

He tried to kiss her and I rushed towards them but I didn't need to, she kicked out his knee and he fell onto all fours, she then kicked him in the face. Her foot had been underneath his chin and he was sent sprawling on his back. Blood pouring from his mouth.

"Lets go" she said grabbing the food and pulling me away. We sat with my friends and just talked. She talked about some designs. Her eyes sparkled when she talked about architecture. I tried to pay attention but when she showed me her drawings I told her that they were incredible and hugged her. the drawing was of two large buildings that looked beautiful. each one had a myth engraved on its walls. they looked gorgeous.

She blushed as I said this. She gave me a beautiful smile and I gave her one too.

"Seaweed brain"


"Could you let go"

"Not anytime soon"

"But I have classes"

"Wanna piggyback"


His friends were just staring at us 

"How long have you known each other" Jack said.

Annabeth POV:

"Since we were 12" I said while climbing on Percy's back. He started to walk to history. I let out a small laugh of delight. As he was carrying me I could feel eyes burning into my back. But I didn't care. he put me down In front of the classroom and we walked in. I was put in the middle as I saw Percy in the front. we were learning about the American civil war. After the class the teacher deemed me his star student as I had answered the most questions. I walked out and I was greeted by Kyle.

"You gonna take the bus" he said.

"Nah I got a lift" I said.

"Wise girl" I heard Percy call

"Bye" I waved to Kyle

I ran to Percy where he said "You know how you got a replica of Daedalus laptop from the gods"


"well I got a car" he showed me his car. It was a sea green convertible Maserati spyder. His dream car. I sat in the passenger seat. We then drove to his house. Where he told his parents about moving in and me being at the school. They said okay and helped Percy move his stuff with Paul's car and Percy's. when we were alone in his parents house he pulled me in for a kiss. One of his hands was rested on my waist and the other was wrapped around my head. I put my arms around his neck and our lip touched. we both opened our eyes. we pushed me gently against the wall and our lips moved in harmony while our tongues fought for control, his won. I pushed of from the wall. I was on top of him and I let out a small grin. Suddenly I felt myself get turned over and Percy was on top of me. He gently started to kiss my neck slowly nibbling it too. As he moved down a bit pulling my shirt to the side a bit, he saw a large bruise and he gently touched it and I winced. He showed her a bruise he had on the back of his  shoulder blade close to his neck. I also gently touched it. I saw him flinch and I rested my head on his shoulder as we both looked out through the window.

"Lets continue this at my house" I said as he put his hoodie back on top of his vest.

When we got inside we started to unpack his stuff. After an hour we were done and I started to cook. As I was frying some eggs he came behind me pressing his body against mine. His arms wrapped around my waist. I twisted my head and so did he. I gave him a gentle kiss and continued to cook.

When we sat tat the table eating a late dinner. we chatted about school. Then camp. By the time I checked the time, it was 11.

"Lets go to sleep" I said as we walked to the bedrooms. He stayed in the guest one. I got changed into my nightwear of a shirt and shorts.

Percy POV:

I walked into my bedroom and fell asleep on the bed. I was awoken by a scream from Annabeth's room. I ran to her room and heard her calling

"Percy, Percy where are you, Percy" 

"Shh, shh Annabeth its me" "we are not here" "Annabeth wake up!"

She woke up tears streaming down her face. she was hugging me tightly and just kept repeating my name like she couldn't believe that I was here. She was trembling so I hugged her and kept kissing her until she calmed down.

"You know the drill"

"You and me were in Tartarus, you looked shocked and i saw that you had been stabbed and then you disappeared. I-I-I ju-"

"I am here it was a dream." I said calmly as I cupped her chin in my hand "I will never leave you Annie."

"Wait your not wearing a shirt" she said. Her face turned bright red as she stared at my eight pack. After a while she used her finger to trace the hundreds of scars that littered my body. She kissed me then curled up next to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist and we fell asleep. 

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