Chapter 13 (Annabeth)

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I came home expecting Percy to be asleep. Instead I came home to a 3 course dinner, all laid out. Gods I loved Percy. I mean he just had a fight and proceeded to make me food.

"Percy, you're the best."

"Thanks Annabeth. Now lets eat"

The food tasted great. I mean normally Percy wasnt the best chef, but he had put in a lot of effort and time, which I guess was the main reason it tasted so good. I kept eating and eating unable to stop until I realized I had eaten almost all of my food. Percy let out a laugh. The sound made me happy as I realized that he had forgotten what had happened. I started to talk to him about camp. It then led to me talking about architecture. I could see him trying to pay attention and he even gave me a suggestion. He said that maybe there could be an Arched tunnel were the walls were glass showing water. And sea animals could go into it and leave as freely as they pleased.

"Percy you are a genius."

"Thanks Annie" 

I worked straight away on the tunnel design after we ate. I was sat between Percy's legs as I started to sketch. His back was leant against the front of the sofa. His head was rested on my shoulder, his head turned towards my neck, kissing it. 

"Percy stop for a second so I can just draw this one bit, I need full concentration."

He stopped kissing me and said "Sure Annabeth" with a grin plastered to his face. His lopsided smile was on his face and I think my heart melted. I let out a sigh and drew the arch way entrance. After I was done I smiled at Percy and he went back to kissing my neck.

(Sorry I just live for Percabeth fluff. and no it is not done yet, I don't want to progress the story, im lazy)

He slowly started to snake up my neck with his lips and gently cupped his hand on my chin and turned my face towards his. He kissed me on the lips. I span around so my body was faced towards him and he kissed me once again. After a while I felt myself nod of to sleep on top of him. 

I woke up to lying on top of Percy. we were still in the living room. By the looks of it he had fallen asleep. I woke him up by kissing him. 

"Wha- oh hey Annabeth."

"I got school so see you later when I get back"

"Oh yeah im suspended and under house arrest."

"Bye Percy"


I walked down to the bus and I got to school. Once again I was followed by eyes as I walked through the hall ways. I saw Jennifer, Simon and Charlotte talking to each other in the corner.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Annabeth" they said.

"What were you talking about"

"They were talking about the fight, saying Percy was crazy" Jennifer said


"Did you not see what he did to Kyle" Simon yelled

"Kyle pushed me over after I rejected him"

"And that means its okay to break someone's arm."

"That was after Kyle tried to punch and kick him"

"But Percy pushed him first"

"After Kyle pushed ME"

The ping pong match between me and Simon had ended or so I thought.

"Just because you are so in love with Percy you cant see his flaws, we have known you for much longer than him."

"What makes you think that"

"You never talked about him"

"I was dating him when I first met all of you. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND." I stormed of leaving Simon and Charlotte with shocked faces. Jennifer ran up to me and we started to talk. I realized she was trying to calm me down and it was working.

"When was Percy that good at fighting."

"Oh since we were 12 he started to train but by the time he was 14 he was great and recent years he has become a master."

"Wow" she said with a shocked tone but then her voice turned apologetic and guilty "I'm sorry about Simon, I have been thinking about breaking up with him for a while cause he was being an ass but that was out of line"

"You could always find someone better than Simon" I said in a soft voice. "He never really was that nice, you just fell for him and never realized"

"Oh god that's why you guys became kinda distant to him."

"Yep, and sorry but you cant come over due to Percy's house arrest and I don't want to keep him waiting."


"If your gonna break up with Simon do it tomorrow morning and I'll back you up"

"I don't deserve you as a friend" she said with tears in her eyes. Annabeth didnt know what to do in this situation. Emotions were hard to understand and she just winged it in these situations.

"Don't worry about it" I said hoping that it made her feel better. her face showed that it worked which made me glad. "Come on we need to go to classes"

Percy POV:

I got a call from the police after an hour saying that there was footage and they were gonna review the tape. It was sort of a relief. They were gonna see the story instead of hearing a one sided version. Now I stood a chance. 

I Worked out inside for most of the day and tried to read books that were translated in Greek. I eventually gave up and IM'd Grover. We chatted for a couple of  hours until I heard the door being unlocked.

"Ahh Annabeth's home. See ya Grover."

"Byeeeeeeee Perrrrrrrrrcy" He bleated

I wiped my hand through the message and the connection broke. i sprinted to the door. I picked up Annabeth and span around then kissed her.

"Someone miss me?" she said playfully.

" You have no idea"

"Missed you to Percy"

I put her down and then she took a step back and let out a gasp

"You've grown. Fuuuuck me I used to be taller than you." She said and started pouting. then she went on her tiptoes and kissed me.

The next day

I got a phone call after Annabeth left from the police. They told me I was no longer under house arrest but I couldn't go near Kyle for a while. They had to see if he wanted to file for a restraining order.  I was ecstatic after hearing the news and I went out to the shops. While I was there I heard some people talking about the avengers I think. They were talking about some battle with Thanos and that they were  glad that a stone had been destroyed before Thanos reached it. I just shrugged  it of as I got our groceries. When I got back home  I started to work out again. 


Annabeth POV:

Percy told me the good news when I got home. He then proceeded to make burgers for us and we ate them and just hung out for a while. Just before we went to bed I got a text from my Dad. he was asking if I wanted to stay over During the one week holiday. After showing it to Percy he said

"Its your dad your choice, im not going to change your decision."

"Kay thanks Percy" I said. Then I kissed him and thought for a while. Eventually I decided to send a text that said sure as long as I could bring a friend. I got a response that said sure. I grinned at Percy showing him the message. He smiled at me then wrapped his arms around me. I thought about when Jennifer broke up with Simon today. He had been shocked but eventually by the end of the day was ignoring her existence. Charlotte also hated her so it went well. I heard Percy start to snore and soon I fell asleep.

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