Chapter11 (Percy)

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She sat down on the floor and patted the ground near her. I sat down and started to wrap my arm around her shoulder. She took it off and said

"Not until you can answer all of these 10 questions"


"Yes seaweed brain"

Annabeth's POV:

God it was hard not to kiss him. Then I formulated a plan. After I taught him I would tell him that I will give him a kiss everyone he answers correctly.

"Ok lets begin on Square Roots..."

After a couple of hours of studying I believed Percy was ready for the questions.

"Lets start." the first question was easy enough, 6 in brackets squared x by the square root of 4.

"Uhh maybe 72" he said while wincing as if expecting to be wrong.

"You are correct" I said in my best gameshow host voice "now for your prize" I leaned in and kissed his nose. He looked disappointed but didnt say anything. After the first few questions he was getting answers right until the final one.

"If B is 6 then what is A in this equation" he let out a groan " 7B + (22 divided by 11) x A = 100. 

"Uhh A is um yellow" he said with sheer confidence. It made me laugh

"Yeah try again Seaweed brain"

"Fine wise girl" he said while sticking his tongue out at me. After a couple of minutes he eventually said


"Finally Kelp head"

"No you are not calling me that owl face"

"Fish breath"


Before I could say another retort he pulled me into a kiss. We just sat there for what felt like days not moving. Eventually I broke off. He started to groan.

"Lets go to the café" I said


I couldn't help but laugh at his pouting face as I dragged him through the door. When we got there it was empty so we took the table in the corner. We chatted for a bit while waiting for a waiter to come. I eventually went to the toilet. When I came back out I could see Percy looking uncomfortable as a waitress was talking to him. I heard a bit of there conversation.

"Please" she said. she had a high pitched voice and long chocolaty curls for hair.

"Look im not going to give you my number"


" I have a girlfriend."

"Just forget about her"

After her last comment I walked up to Percy and kissed him. She looked hurt and ran off.  after a few minutes a new waiter walked up and took our orders.

"Thanks Annie" Percy said " She wouldn't leave me alone"

" I know, as a reward you are paying."

"I was going to anyway."

"One more week of school then we are of for a month."

"I know" he said, he had a gleeful expression painted on his face.


"Just exited" he said "You got any plans for us"

"Not yet."

"Wise girl doesn't have a plan" he gasped with a faked shocked expression. "The world is gonna end"

"Shut up Percy" I said while laughing. The waiter showed up with our hot chocolates and sandwiches. We ate them while talking about random shit. I just loved this feeling, being all warm and fuzzy, god I was sounding like a child of Aphrodite. After we finished our food we just walked through New York. His arm was around my shoulder and I had wrapped one of my arms around his waist as I leaned on him. I remembered how scrawny he used to be and let out a small giggle. 

"What's funny?" 

"I just remembered how scrawny you were"

"Not anymore" 

I let out a laugh and he bent down and kissed me. It was a short peck but it felt like the first time we had kissed.  When we broke apart I felt my heart speed up.

We got back home at 6:00. We decided to play a game.

"So the way it works is we each have to tell each other 3 secrets that the other person didnt know" My wise girl explained.


"My first one is im really ticklish" I said quietly.

"Wait seriously" he said with a grin.

"No don't you da- " he started to tickle my sides and I couldn't stop laughing.  I tried to elbow  him but he was ready to doge it as he started to tickle my shoulders. I was able to elbow him in the stomach were he let out a small groan.

"ok my first secrets is that, hmm, I don't know you know everything about me babe" he said "wait I know, I used to say that I was a fish to kids in Kindergarten."

"of course you did." 

we hear a sharp knock on the door and opened it.



We hugged tightly.

"So how are you guys"

"were good" Percy said. He was sat on the sofa, I was sitting on a chair and so was Jennifer. We were in the kitchen while he was in the living room. 

"Shame you weren't at school" I said

"So did you guys go public?"


"Thank god, that would have been a hard secret to keep." 

I almost laughed at this, she had no idea what secrets we kept.

"Jeez those bruises have gotten worse"

"yeah I kinda fell down a tree"


"Luckily Percy caught me"

"Don't sweat it Annabeth" he said "But a kiss would be nice"

I smirked at Jennifer and walked into the living room. I gave Percy a peck on the lips and walked back to Jennifer.

"How are you so calm when you kiss him, whenever I kiss Simon I get flustered and run of."

"Just don't see it as something big, its just like speaking" Percy yelled from the living room.

"Thanks Percy" Jennifer said "I should probably go now, see you at school tomorrow"

Percy POV:

"God I hope it isn't awkward when I see Kyle. I did yell at him"

"Don't worry Annabeth it will have blown over, now do you want me to put more cream on the bruises"


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