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1 message

from Harold x

hey, can we talk?

the message from him startled her. daisy had not spoke to him in what felt like forever, her 'best friend'. she gulped, repeatedly reading the notification and staring at her screen completely zoned out. their friendship slowly drifted when his girlfriend, katie, began to feel suspicious and she failed to trust their friendship though they had been friends longer than he had been with katie. although she still saw him, all the time in fact, they would only exchange small glances at shoots, bars or parties and she quickly formed similar strong bonds with the other boys, simon in particular. simon always put her first, he valued their friendship and daisy appreciated that, though she never forgot about harry.

"hello, daisy?", a hand waved in front of her face, "earth to daisy?"

"huh?" she responded, lifting her face up from the dreaded message to find simon staring straight at her.

chuckling, simon furrowed his eyebrows and glared at her face, "you okay? you like, completely zoned out. is there a problem?" he glanced from her phone back to her face.

she cleared her throat shaking her head, "yeah of course, it's nothing." and quickly placed her phone face down on the bed between them and laid her head back on his chest, attempting to focus again on the movie.

"hmm, whatever you say." simon focused back on the movie, brushing his fingers through her brunette hair, appreciating her company. they frequently spent time together, she was around at his flat at least a few times a week and was sure jj was sick of seeing her, but what she did not realise is how jj notices simon's cheery smile and upbeat personality when she is around. he adored seeing his best friend contented.

her phone pinged again.

2 messages

from Harold x

hey, can we talk?

dais? pls.

she groaned. "freya must really need to talk to me," lying straight through her teeth and sitting up, she rubbed her eyes. "i better go si." she smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"no stay," he pleaded with a raspy voice, reaching his tired arms out to her and forcing her into a cuddle, "please."

giggling, she pulled herself up from his embrace and reached down the side of the bed for her trainers, "i've got to go si, i'll see you tomorrow at the shoot."

"m'kay." he responded, drifting off back to sleep. she placed the covers over him and turned off his tv, they were both so equally caring for one another, but especially simon after realising how heart broken she was when harry went completely cold turkey on her.

"night night si." she smiled, turning off his bedroom light and closing his door. she swiftly moved through the flat, throwing on her puffer jacket and racing out of the front door. her heart felt heavy, she did not know how to feel right now and with tears welling up in her eyes she checked the time, 11pm.

dashing downstairs through the building, straight to her car she quickly messaged freya.

to frey :)

please can i call u? URGENT

she instantly received a reply

from frey :)

yes, of course!

she fumbled in her pocket for her keys, in complete panic mode and sitting down in the seat of her car as she smacked her head on the steering wheel internally screaming "WHAT THE FUCK." her phone started ringing, it was freya.

"daisy, is everything okay?" freya sounded worried.

"honestly frey, i don't know." daisy breathed quickly, letting a tear slowly fall down her cheek as she started the engine and put freya on speaker.

"hey, chill. explain whats happening." she replied in a soothing voice, instantly allowing daisy to take deep breaths in and out.

"okay," she drove out the car park and head towards her flat. "so i've just been with si as always," she let out a giggle as she focused on the road "and i receive a text message, so i sit up to check it and you'll never guess who its from!"

"who?" she sounded intrigued.

"HARRY!" daisy screamed, infuriated by his choice to message her.

freya let out a gasp, "oh my god dais what the fuck? what did it say?".

"it said "hey, can we talk?" like what the fuck freya? he cuts off nearly all contact with me and the only reason he still has to see me all the time is because i'm their bloody photographer and i'm friends with everyone and suddenly he wants to fucking talk? what is there to talk about?" another tear fell from her cheek. daisy hated that she was an emotional person, her instant reaction to everything is to cry. angry? cry. see a puppy? cry. hungry? cry. tired? cry. she desired to be stronger. "so simon asked if i was okay and i just sort of let it go, we carried on watching the movie AND HE MESSAGES AGAIN! he says "dais? please", no harry you can't fucking call me 'dais' anymore," she ranted, "so i left simon's in a fit of rage and panic and i don't know what to do. i said it was you btw and that you needed to talk to me."

she pulls up to her apartment block, finding her usual parking spot and turning off the engine.

"oh my god frey, i have to go." she stared at the car a few spaces away from her, she knew she recognised it. as she ended the call and stepped out of her car, a figure with their hood up also stepped out of the car she recognised. letting out a sigh, she closed her car door and tried to avoid the figure.

but it was him.


hey :) first story! i guess this first chapter isn't that long, but i kind of wanted to set up the story.

its gonna get deep!

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