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He sighed and looked down,

"We're screwed."



It's been two days since I talked to Anderson, and I couldn't stop replaying our last conversation.

Did he know something I didn't? I knew I was breaking the rules by going to that crime scene, but what's the worst that could happen? I'd get fired?Who am I kidding, he was right, we're both screwed.

I got home at 9 am yesterday and pretty much slept through the entire day. I was absolutely exhausted from working that long.

Earlier today I caught up with Tabitha and explained to her the whole situation minus the gory details. I ended up paying her triple the normal amount, which hurt my bank account a little too much, but she did have Gunner for a full day.

It was now Sunday the 26th, 7:00 pm. Gunner and I had just got back from our afternoon run. Today we ran four laps around the park. We were getting there slowly but surely, baby steps for his baby legs.

I put a scoop of dry food in his bowl and made myself some avocado toast.

After we both ate, I headed to my room. Gunner followed me and hopped on my bed for the night.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I took off my yellow athletic shirt and black Nike shorts, then stepped in. I let the steaming hot water hit my back as I relaxed. I washed my hair and body, then shaved my legs.

I stepped out, grabbed a new towel, and dried myself off. I loved the feeling of getting out of a hot shower, it was calming.

I walked out of the bathroom and to my closet. I put on a pair of underwear and a maroon Champion crew neck.

As I was hanging my towels back up, I heard my phone beep.

I turned the bathroom light off and got ready for bed. I grabbed my phone as I got under my thick white comforter without bothering Gunner. Once I was comfortable, I looked at the text I had received. It was from Margret.

M- "Make sure you and Anderson are here exactly on time tomorrow. Strauss wants to speak to you both."

My heart dropped. Erin Strauss wanted to talk to me? I have only spoken to her once, and that's when she hired me.

D- "Do you know why?"

M- "No idea, just saw it on the calendar and thought I should give you both a heads up."

D- "Thanks, I appreciate it."

I don't know why I'm worried, I already know what's going to happen. We are both going to get fired. Anderson for getting Elle shot, and me for going on to the crime scene and injecting myself into the investigation.

I set my alarm for 6:15 tomorrow morning and put my phone down. My mind was racing with thousands of thoughts as I slowly drifted asleep.


I ended up waking up at 6:00, fifteen minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. This put me in a fairly bad mood, along with the fact that I had barely gotten any sleep; I tossed and turned all night thinking about my meeting with Strauss.

I got out of bed and did my morning routine of taking Gunner out and getting ready for work.

First, I lightly curled my hair, followed by my minimal makeup routine.

I stood in my closet for probably twenty minutes. I wanted to look presentable for the meeting, but not overly nice. Especially since she thinks we have no idea about it.

After trying on fifty outfits, I gave up and just put on a pale brown sweater that had a collar attached to it, along with grey jeans. I didn't care if it wasn't nice enough for Strauss, it was my last day anyways.

Oh my god; it finally hit me. This was going to be my last day as an FBI agent. I never met my goal, I never got to experience being with the Behavioral Analysis Unit in the field, chasing the bad guys. At least I got to go on a crime scene once, even if that's what costed me my job.

Before I leave, I make myself a pot of coffee. I try not to drink coffee too often, but today I needed it.

I said goodbye to Gunner and poured myself a cup to go. As I opened the door, I looked back at my apartment, am I even going to be able to afford this anymore? I'm going to have to find a new job and everything. My life is over.


I parked my car and sighed. I was extremely nervous, but I had to act normal. I grabbed my coffee and bag and headed towards the building. I kept my head up as I smiled at all the agents passing by. I took the elevator up to my floor, stepped off, and headed towards my desk to see Anderson already sitting there.

"Hey, you ready?" I said quietly.


I chuckled, I think we both knew what was about to happen.

I sat down and we began to do our work.


As the hours passed, I got more and more nervous. My stomach had been in knots all day. By the sound of Margret's text, I assumed the meeting would be in the morning, but I guess I was wrong.

Every time the elevator doors opened I looked up, hoping to see Strauss.

We continued our paperwork throughout the day, as each minute felt like an infinity.


12:55 pm. We had officially been here for six hours; I was going crazy.

There was constantly phones ringing is every direction from every desk, so I'm not surprised I wasn't expecting this one.

"Carter, Anderson; Strauss's office, five minutes." Margret shouted.

All eyes turned to us. My cheeks immediately turned red, and I was even more nervous than before.

I looked at Anderson and we nodded. We both knew what was about to come.

I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I bounced my curls to make them a little tighter and more presentable, then put on more mascara.

When I came out of the bathroom, Grant was waiting for me.

"You ready?" He asked, copying me from this morning.

We linked arms as we headed towards the elevator and clicked the button for the ninth floor.

We stood in complete silence as the elevator slowly rose to the higher floors, or you could say, to the end of our lives.

Or so I thought.

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