Chapter Thirty-One

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"Hurry, this way," the guy said, motioning at her. They must have been hiding out in the room.

"Oh, thank god." She dove for the open door and it slid slowly closed as the zombies barrelled around the corner searching for their prey. Joining the doctor against the wall beneath the window, she kept her head low and her knees pulled to her chest so they couldn't see her. Or, at least, she hoped they couldn't see her. Could they hear her heart though? It was echoing in her ears, her breath coming in short frantic gasps as she tried to calm herself.

"Deep breath," the guy said.

"Right," she answered, taking a deep breath, expanding her diaphragm before letting the air whistle between her teeth. She was safe. Someone else was alive. "Where's your friend?"

"He went out and never came back. Did you see him?"

Hannah shook her head. There was no way she could have identified him in the crowd since she hadn't waited around to say, 'hey, I know that guy.'

Suddenly, a zombie hit the glass above them and it made Hannah gasp.

"The glass is strong right?" she asked him.

"It's safety glass so I think we're good. It's supposed to withstand the decontamination protocol, which sets fire to everything in the room, then sucks all the air out."

"When do they do that?"

"If something is at risk of getting out."

"Oh, like these guys?" she asked, pointing above.

"Mostly deadly diseas—ya, these guys," he finished solemnly.

"Who decides that?"

"The big boss."

'The Director?" she asked, taking another shaky breath.

"No, the one above him. They are back in Vancouver," the man said, leaning forward a little and poking his head up slightly. "Shit, they're still there. What were you doing out there?"

"I was trying to get to my lab to try and solve whatever this is, but I forgot that I lost my pass."

He shoved his hand into the pocket of his dress pants, pulling out a card. "I wondered if this was yours, but I have such bad facial memory."

"Oh my god, you're a lifesaver," she said, squealing quietly as she hugged him.

"I'm sorry that we didn't believe you earlier. They are always running scenarios. I hadn't realized it was as bad as you said."

"It's okay," she replied. "How well do you know your way around a lab?"

"I'm only his assistant. I'm here on work experience with my university as a medical sciences student, studying ."

"What program?"

"Immunology and microbial pathogenesis."

"Did you discover anything from the sample we sent over?"

"Just that it's unlike anything we've ever seen."

Hannah groaned. "Sounds like you made as much progress as we did." Suddenly she felt like their knowledge of science was like that of a baby's. They really knew nothing in the great scheme of things. "We need to come up with something, anything that helps us crack this wide open. Can you come with me to my lab?"

"What about that thing, the boy?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"He's in containment. You'll be long as we can get across the hallway safely," she added. "What exactly did you find out, anything that could help us at all, uh, sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

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