Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Kyle asked.

"Yes. I have the directions right here!" Hannah was certain that she'd heard them correctly when Kyle gave them over the phone, but the only direction to go was up, but that made no sense. They should be going down. Where did they mess up? She had followed his directions completely.

As they stopped below the entrance to the upper floor, she heard a shuffling noise from above. She looked back at her companion and brought her finger to her lips, pointing upwards. Should she say something? What if it was a zombie? They couldn't possibly be in the shaft, could they? She thought it was the one place they'd be safe for the most part.

"Hello," she asked, her voice shaky.

A head peeked over the edge. "Hannah?" Xavier asked with surprise. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

She rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the kind hello."

"I thought you were still in the storage room."

"So you knew where we were but didn't come and get us?" she snapped.

"Sorry. I couldn't make it back. Things got out of control."

"You don't say." she replied sarcastically. "So are we going to do this or what?"

"Do what?"

"We're heading to the engineering floor to get the power turned back on."

Xavier dropped down to their level and looked at her. "No. You aren't. You're going to the cafeteria and staying there till I get back from engineering myself."

"Do you know how to get there?" she asked. When he shook his head, she held up the paper between two fingers. "I do." Well, once she reexamined them again she'd figure it out.

He tried to snatch it away from her, but she put it behind her back.

"Three heads are better than one, right?" she stated. "We're going."

"Fine," he groaned, "but stay behind me and do exactly what I say."

That earned him another eye roll. "Yes boss." She was no man's servant, but for now, she'd do what he wanted. They would move a lot faster that way. They needed to get downstairs and as quickly as possible.

"Where'd you get the directions?" Xavier asked, as he started crawling again in the direction she pointed.


"How'd you talk to him?"

"We used the old emergency phone in the office."

"I can't even remember the last time we had that system checked," he admitted.

"Aren't you guys supposed to do yearly inspections?"

"It's an old system and isn't part of our emergency procedures anymore."

"Why not? When the power goes out it's all you have, isn't it?"

He grunted. "You've got me there."

Hannah smirked. "You are the head of security right?"

"Oh, shut up."

She couldn't wipe the grin off her face as he followed her directions down the ventilation shaft with them close behind. She couldn't help but stare at his butt and think of another shaft, and it made her feel all achy inside. Vivid images from their time in the closet flashed in her mind, and she moaned quietly.

"What ya thinking about back there, Hannah?" Xavier asked, chuckling.

Her cheeks burned, and she was glad he couldn't see them. As hard as she tried to erase the thoughts, the images kept coming. And gosh darn it, she wanted to do it again. She closed her eyes a moment, but a sudden thud behind them had her opening them and shrieking, "What was that?"

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