Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hannah paced the small room, her arms folded and hands gripping each arm, as she chewed on her bottom lip. With each passing minute, she grew more and more antsy. There were no sounds coming from outside. No screaming. No growling, just silence. And she wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

Ten minutes had passed and he still wasn't back yet, nor was the power on. Although she couldn't say what she was expecting by this point. He never told her whether he'd be back before or after he got the power back on.

As she stood there, there was a thud on the door. Without thinking, full of relief, she rushed over and opened it, and in stumbled a zombie, knocking her backwards to the ground. She screamed before she realized she'd made a sound and clamped her lips closed. Her heart raced as she pushed against the zombies chest, his teeth snapping close to her cheek.


The broken broom was sitting on top of the desk, and she had nothing to defend herself with. And if she dared call out to Xavier, then a bunch more would come running, of that she was sure. Her pulse raced, and she fought the will to scream as she wrestled with him. He was too strong, and the realization of that had her throat closing and sharp pains exploding in her chest.

Black ooze dripped from his mouth against her cheek, his eyes were glazed over and wild. She saw death, not just his, but hers too. This couldn't be her end. She was supposed to live until a ripe old age, get married, have kids, live in a house, but not with a white picket fence.

Xavier, please, she begged silently, tears falling down her cheeks and into her hair. He had to come back for her. He said he wouldn't leave her again. Hannah pressed both hands against the man's neck, trying to keep his teeth away from her, but her muscles shook from exertion and his teeth were getting closer.

Hannah rapidly looked around the room, trying to find something, anything that could help save her. But nothing was within reach and she couldn't help but cry. "Please stop," she begged. Wasn't there some part of him that was still alive? Any piece left of his soul? But there was just darkness in his eyes. No signs of awareness that he understood her.

Her mom's face flashed in front of her eyes and the zombie disappeared. Her mom held out her arms to her as though welcoming her to heaven, her face serene and beautiful. I'm so tired, Mom.

Then come, baby girl.

All strength fled from her body. She wanted to go and be with her mom again. The woman who had protected her and loved her. Hannah reached out to her, but her mom shimmered a moment and then disappeared.

"No," she cried. "Come back."

"I'm here, hun."

Her eyes shot open, and she found Xavier staring down at her. A handsome sight for sore eyes. Before she even realized what was happening, he was hauling her up into his arms, slamming the door closed behind him..

"You're okay, right? No bites? No scratches?" He plopped her on the desk and examined her, panic rampant in his features.

"I thought you left me again," she said, her words soft and broken, tears flowing down her cheeks. Nothing had ever made her feel so empty and lost as feeling alone and left behind.

Seemingly satisfied with his body search, he gathered her into his arms again, breathing in her scent. "Never.  You're never leaving my side again."

"What took you so long?" she asked, hiccuping from crying so hard, her arms tightening around him.

"I made it halfway to the engine then I had to hide. There were too many of them on the other side of the floor. And when I heard you scream, it nearly stopped my heart."

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