Chapter Twenty-one

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(I've chosen to leave editing until my story is done, but if you notice anything, please let me know and I'll fix it. I do try to pay careful attention as I write as to prevent any big blunders *lol* )


Given that the girls never updated him, like they were supposed to, Xavier had no idea what he was walking into. It could be hell on earth for all he knew. And that wouldn't even be exaggerating with all that they've experienced recently, and since Hannah needed the emergency defibrillator, that wasn't a good sign.

He'd call Corey to come and assist, but because of quarantine procedures, he'd be limited to his unit and the clinic. Xavier really shouldn't go after Hannah either, but he had to know what was going on.

As he followed her back to the suite, a voice cried through the vocera. "The kid is on the loose again."

They both stopped and looked at each other. He was torn on what to do-help Flynn or protect the crew. "Damn it! This day just keeps getting better and better."

"It's all right. We've got this. Go help the station," Hannah said, giving him a slight shove towards the elevators. "Go."

He turned back to her and planted a hard kiss on her lips. Another taboo. "Be careful."

"You too."

He hadn't planned on kissing her, but had to. It was one of those things that was out of his control, and his spirit was watching his body do something he hadn't expected. He needed to, and that need grated on his nerves. He didn't want to need anyone. And he was fine with his life exactly how it was, when sex hadn't preoccupied his mind. When the burning desire to see someone's face, their eyes, their smile hadn't consumed him. Now, in just a short amount of time, she had become like an addiction. All it took was one day and breaking it would take forever.

Xavier gave her one last glance and a squeeze on the shoulder and they went separate directions, with him grumbling as he went about the boy. How the heck had they managed to screw up the transport? It was one little chore, get the kid back to the isolation room. He was a kid for pete's sake.

By the time he reached their location, two men and a woman were being treated for bites by Corey and his guard Clint had the kid in a headlock with his shirt pulled over his head. "I had to improvise," Clint said. "The kid is crazy and is stronger than he looks."

"You okay?" Xavier said, eyeing him over. He didn't appear to be bleeding anywhere.

"He tagged my jacket, but that's it."

The boy's arms and legs were flailing, and he sounded like something out of a horror movie as he tried to still bite Clint..

"I think we got ourselves a live zombie," Clint joked.

"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised."

Clint looked up at him incredulously. "I was joking."

Coming back from the dead shouldn't even be a real thing, but it happened to that kid, and all his tests state he's dead as a doornail. Xavier didn't know if he really was a zombie or not, but he knew the kid wasn't normal, and from this point forward, they were going to take extra precautions. The boy would not get the drop on the station again.

Knowing they had no other way to get the kid back to the lab, he grabbed the kid's flailing legs, getting kicked in the chin in the process. Xavier landed on his ass. "Man, he's strong." That explained how the transport got botched. Finally, he got a hold of him, and they made their way back to the lab. He was thankful the boy was only the size of a 5-year-old.

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