Chapter Ten

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Xavier carefully pulled his arm out from underneath her and got up out of bed, covering her up with the sheets. She looked like such a sweet angel lying there, her hair shaping around her head like a halo. This was the first time he's ever had a woman in his bed where they didn't actually do anything, but he knew she needed loving care and not anything else right now.

He couldn't imagine what had caused so much pain in her life, it just radiated off her in tsunami-like waves. No one should hold that much pain in their heart. She deserved to fly high above the ghosts haunting her. Carefully, he brushed her hair back from her face, letting his finger graze her smooth cheek, over her freckles. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

Hannah moaned softly in her sleep and snuggled deeper under Xavier's covers. He smiled. Thankful that she seemed to be finally at peace. The moment she fell asleep, the tension released from her shoulders, her heart rate slowed, and her tremors stopped. He wished he could continue lying there, just holding her. It didn't feel right to just leave her there, but he had to get back to work before Adams had his hide.

Xavier glanced at his watch. He had already been off duty for longer than his usual lunch hour. He assumed his team had everything under control as he hadn't received any calls. But it wasn't fair for him to leave them and hide out in his room as much as he might want to.

Unable to help himself, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and then left the room. His first stop would be the main security office to see if there were any new developments. As he wandered down the hall, he saw Adams up ahead and heat rose from his collar. Would he ask where Hannah was? As they approached each other he could tell by the look on his face, he already knew.

"We didn't do anything."

"Mmhmm," was the man's response, his eyes twinkling.

"We didn't."

"Son, what you do in your own room doesn't concern me. I'm glad to see you keeping an eye on her like you promised though."

"Ya, that's all I was doing."

"Mhmmm," was his response again as he continued strolling on by, giving Xavier a pat on the back.

Oh geez, Xavier face-palmed himself. The old man thought they did it. Nothing he said or did would make him think otherwise. He just hoped that the man kept it to himself and didn't say anything to her. She had enough pain than to have to deal with the talk that always surrounded station affairs.

He stepped into the elevator and went up to the main floor and walked into his security office. Kevin was still sitting there. "How do you expect me to work tonight now?" the older man grumbled. "I'm not young and spry like you."

"Why don't you go and get some rest? I'll call in one of the guys until you feel rested enough to come in."

Kevin was about 20 years Xavier's senior. The oldest member of his crew. When Xavier first arrived, they'd butted heads quite a bit because Kevin wasn't accustomed to taking orders from a younger person. They became friends though and Xavier tried not to pull the seniority card often because that didn't feel respectful to him.

"Are you sure?" the man asked.

"Ya," he said, taking a seat in the chair his friend just stood up from. "You deserve it. But don't go getting lost in your writing, go get some sleep."

"Definitely not. I plan to eat some food and then crash."

"Sounds good," Xavier agreed, as he turned to examine the cameras in front of him. The security system in the station was immense and it had taken him a good few months to learn the ins and outs of it. He had screwed them up a time or two at the beginning, and got lectured by the head of security at the time.

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