Chapter Six

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"Oh crap, Hannah. I'm so sorry," he said, holding out his hand, but she stared at it blankly, seemingly in a daze. Xavier kneeled down beside her and took her chin in his hands, examining her face. "Are you okay? Should I call first aid?"

Hannah shook her head, but couldn't seem to form any words.

"I'm going to call them and have them check you out."

"No," she croaked breathlessly, "I'll-I'll be fine. Just give me a second."

He must have hit her harder than he thought. You dolt! "I'm so sorry." If he wouldn't have been in such a hurry, he would have heard someone around the corner. He needed to have someone give him a quick swift kick in the ass.

When she still didn't get up after a minute, he made the decision. "I'm calling. If they say you're fine, then I'll feel much better."

"Fine," she mumbled.

Xavier contacted them and they said they'd meet them at the first aid room. It was more like a mini hospital really. It had everything they needed in case there was a medical emergency since a real hospital would take far too long to reach with all the storms that passed through the area.

That's why most people had to pass an intense physical if they were stationed out here for any great length of time. Short term contractors didn't have to pass such a vigorous one, but full-timers had to. Xavier put his hands under her armpits and helped her stand up, contemplating whether to carry her or not. His decision was made when she swayed and almost fell down again.

Scooping her up in his arms, he began his trek towards the first aid room. Hannah let out a cry. "Put me down," she said, pushing against his chest.

"Just relax, sweetheart, and enjoy the ride."

"Please, put me down," she demanded, pushing against him again.

"I don't want you to fall down and hurt yourself again."

"I appreciate your concern, but please, let me walk," she begged as she frantically looked around, her eyes full of fear. And he couldn't help but wonder why.

Gently, he released her legs from his grip and supported her with the one arm around her shoulders, as her feet hit the floor. "Is this okay?" he asked.

She nodded, her face looking slightly ashen, like she was about to hurl. 'I'm sorry. I have trouble with being carried."

"So no carrying you over the threshold, eh?"

Hannah smacked him on the shoulder.

"What, too soon?"

She rolled her eyes, swaying slightly. "Has anyone told you you're hilarious?"

"Once or twice."

"Ha ha," she murmured, as they made their way down the hall, lapsing into silence for which she was grateful. Her stomach was churning, and she felt like she was going to hurl if she so much as spoke another word. All she wanted was to get to the clinic, so he could go do whatever it was he was going to do. She hated being an inconvenience.

After what felt like forever, they stepped into the clinic and the attendant was already waiting for them. After a brief introduction, Hannah learned that Corey was the Station's young resident who was covering for Dr Booth tonight. If it was anything serious he'd be called to take over.

"So what's going on?" Corey asked, taking a seat on the rolling chair.

Xavier helped Hannah sit up on the bed, which she thought was really sweet. There weren't too many gentlemen in the world anymore. Oh, god, she must have hit her head harder than she thought.

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