Chapter Eighteen

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Her panties grew damp just hearing the words. Xavier slipped a hand in the back of her pants and grabbed her panties, yanking them upwards so they slipped between her butt cheeks. "Hey," she cried. "If I wanted a g-string, I would have worn one."

"Shhh, someone might hear you."

Before she had a chance to voice another complaint, he was moving his hand deliciously over her clit while the other tugged her underwear upward. Her butt slid dangerously close to the edge of the table, making her reach up and link her hands behind his neck.

Her womanhood burned, but it was a good burn as Xavier explored her with his fingers. He gave her underwear another pull, creating friction that made her cry out again. A feeling somewhere between agony and unadulterated pleasure zipped through her. She couldn't ever recall this level of intensity in any of her past experiences, but, god, she didn't want it to stop.

"Xavier," she moaned.

"Don't think, just feel," he said, hushing her.

It's not like she could do anything else as her eyes lost their ability to focus, and the sensations overtaking her system demanded the attention of every nerve in her body. Hannah squirmed, wishing she could put her feet on something to anchor herself. She felt like she was teetering on the edge of a cliff, getting ready to freefall. She was certain she was going to shoot off a ledge and tumble into the great unknown.

It was akin to getting caught in a riptide, but she wasn't greeted with death. Instead it was the greatest pleasure she'd ever known. All thoughts, feelings, and sensations merged together until all she could feel were his fingers claiming her and her orgasm racing to meet him. She tried to hold on. She didn't want him to think she was so easy to please. But the moment he moved her underwear aside and dipped a finger into her depths while his other probed between her butt cheeks, becoming acquainted with the no-go zone, she exploded. Her entire body was engulfed with a wonderful, delightful spasm that seemed to have no end.

Hannah almost slipped off the edge of the table, but his arm around her stopped her from falling. "Holy cow," she murmured. Unable to move, she waited for the fog to clear. Xavier came around to her side of the table and helped her down. "One second," she said, her eyes still blurry as she hadn't come down from her blissful high yet.

"Don't worry, I'm not taking you far," he said as he turned her away from him yet again. "Lean over the table."

"Oh, heck no. You aren't invading my butt."

His deep, husky chuckle vibrated in her chest. "Don't worry. My cock only wants to go to one place," he said, as he laid her over the table, giving her behind a gentle pat. He made quick work of her underwear and pants and had his erection probing her pussy from behind before she could say another word.

She tried to reach around to touch him. She needed to touch him. He had refused to let her ever since they stepped in the room, and it was killing her. When her hand brushed his cock, he slightly gripped her wrists together just above her butt.

"No touchy. You made me come before I could take you last time. It's not going to happen again." Xavier reached into his pocket to pull out a condom. Ripping the wrapper with his teeth, he slipped it on with one hand. Once sheathed, he plunged into her depths quicker than he had planned. She gasped as he filled her.

He struggled to hold himself still, waiting for her to adjust to him, as he knew Hannah must be feeling a slight burn. "Sorry, you make me incredibly turned on." Xavier took a breath, trying to relax for her sake. But when her muscles squeezed him, he lost all hope in holding back the instincts that were threatening to take him over. He pulled out and watched himself disappear, little by little, into her pussy. It was like magic, taking him to another world.

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