Chapter Nineteen

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After a thorough room by room search, they determined that the kid wasn't anywhere to be found on level four. Hannah and Xavier crashed on the couch in the cafeteria, trying to catch their breath as they'd been running around the area.

"Did someone eat him or something? How could he not be on this floor?" Hannah said, running her hands down her face. "It makes no sense?"

"Unless he somehow managed to get in the elevator as someone was getting in, but I would have gotten a call about that I'm sure."

"Everyone has a vocera, don't they?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, for safety purposes as cellphones don't work in here."

"Emergency. Emergency," a cry filled the air from the communication device. "We need first aid to elevator 2, level 2."

"God, I hate being right," Xavier groaned. "Well, looks like there isn't any point in us quarantining down here."

"I'm on my way," Corey answered, responding to the call.

"All essential personnel are to remain in their secured areas for their safety," Xavier said into his device. "We are in immediate lockdown, no one in or out. Stay safely where you are. I will let you know when it's safe to come out. My apologies for the inconvenience."

He tapped off his device, then tapped the button again. "Director Adams, we have a problem."

"Tell me something I don't know," the man grumbled. "My wife's the one in that elevator. Good news is that Clemmens has secured the boy in the janitor room next to the elevator."

Shit! He was not expecting that. She usually stayed in the common areas elsewhere in the station and the office on the main floor. "Do we know how many casualties yet?"


"Is Judith all right, sir?" he asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good," Director Adams said sadly. "Can you tell me what the hell happened?"

"I'm still investigating, sir." Now he was really up shit creek without a paddle. If he would have stayed there himself, none of this would have happened.

"I want a full report on my desk ASAP."

'Yes, sir!" Xavier ended the call and rested his head on the back of the couch for a second. He felt pressure on his leg and opened one eye to see Hannah's hand on his knee. He rested his hand on hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Is there anything I can do to help with the investigation?"

"Can you go check on Flynn, see how he's fairing with his injury. I need to know if a bite from this kid can have an adverse effect on this crew."

"I don't know if it's a good idea for me to go into the clinic having been exposed like this."

He tapped his vocera again. "Call Dr. Booth."

"Speaking?" the man answered, not sounding his usual perky self.

"We need to know Flynn's condition."

"So would I," Dr. Booth grunted.

"What do you mean?" Hannah asked.

"He was gone when I arrived. The nurse who was watching him was gone, too."

"Oh geez, not them too." This just kept getting better and better. Flynn was supposed to stay in isolation until they figured things out. Why didn't anyone listen to him, damn it? Maybe he just wasn't cut out to lead the station's safety team.

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