Chapter Three

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Xavier sat back in his chair, listening, as the Director spoke with Hannah and her team. She was quizzing the Director, sucking from him every detail that she could about the project. It was a fairly dry topic to him, so it mostly went in one ear and out the other. He probably didn't need to sit in on the discussion, but he'd been intrigued by their newest arrival.

Her excitement zipped like an electrical current around the room, and when she smiled that perfectly white smile, it went straight to his groin, even her freckles seemed to dance on her face, laughing at him. Maybe staying wouldn't be such a good idea after all.

"Excuse me. I'm going to go check on the eta of the package," Xavier said.

The Director nodded at him, and Hannah gave him a little wave good-bye before returning to the discussion. Xavier swiftly left the room, happy when the door finally closed behind him. He was going to have to limit his time around her, or he could have a problem on his hands. Thankfully the station wasn't overly small so he wasn't going to be tripping over her on an hourly basis. They might cross paths in the morning, since their rooms were close to each other, but that should be about it. His duties didn't overly mingle with hers.

Returning to the Security office on the main floor, he walked in to find two of his crew tossing a ball back and forth, clearly bored out of their minds. Xavier plucked it out of the air. "Any updates?"

"Elevator is fully operational again," Derrick said, pointing to the monitor showing it moving between floors.

"A door to one of the labs is acting up again. I called in a work order," Clint said. "Can I have the ball back?"

Xavier tossed it against the blank wall so that it would bounce in his fellow co-workers direction. "What about the package?"

Clint caught the ball and gave his head a shake to get his dark hair out of his eyes. "30 minutes and counting."

It would have to go through the de-contamination room and then pass through a special service tunnel to minimize the exposure to the rest of the crew. He'd be ensuring that the package made it safely to the isolation lab. He had to admit that he wanted to see what they were bringing back and why Hannah needed to be called in, but he knew it wasn't his place to ask, because his only job was to make sure that there wasn't a security risk.

"So what's she like?" Derrick asked.

Xavier placed his hands on the desk, his eyes scanning the security cameras. "Who?"

Clint laughed, as he spun around in his chair. "Sure, boss, play dumb."

"Go find out for yourselves," he grumbled, clicking away on the keyboard, bringing up the camera to the entrance of the service tunnel.

"Humor us," Derrick said.

"She's average," he responded with a shrug.

"Liar. That chick is not average, and neither is her friend. I might just get some after all," Derrick said, rubbing his hands together.

Xavier shook his head and chuckled. "You make it sound like we're in jail or something."

"It does feel like we're on Big Brother or something with all the cameras floating around." Derrick pointed up at the camera watching them overhead.

"I think you guys are starting to go a wee bit loony," Xavier said, picking up his log book to make a few notes. Once he was done, he walked over to the door. "Let me know when the package arrives."

His buddies were laughing as he walked out. He certainly hoped that they could keep their eyes on the job and not on the ladies sweet derrieres. Xavier had almost blurted out that Hannah was off limits, but it wasn't like he could stake a claim on her just because his limbido decided to wake up.

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