Chapter Fourteen

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"Huh?" he asked, drawing his gaze up from her breasts.

"Want a beer? There are a few in our mini fridge."

"You're asking me in?" he asked, not wanting to mistake the gesture. She could be asking to go to the cafeteria.

"Unless you have some other reason for being at my door?" she said cheekily, stepping aside to let him in. As he walked by, her breath hitched. He couldn't help but grin. She was just as affected as he was. Hannah went over to the minifridge and leaned down to open it, causing her shorts to ride dangerously high.

"Hot damn," he murmured, as he ran a hand through his hair. He ached to reach out and see how firm her ass was, to run his hand between her thighs and feel her warm, wet heat.

Tearing his eyes away from her juicy delectables, he cleared his throat. "Are you enjoying your stay so far?" That question seemed pretty safe to ask, and he hoped it would bring his mind back around to the proper side of things.

"It's interesting to say the least. I've never worked on anything like this before," she said, handing him a beer.

He popped the cap and took a seat on the couch, resting his arm along the back. His other rested across his lap with his beer. If they could keep the work topic going then his dick should go back to sleep, as long as he didn't keep checking her out, which was a little hard to do with her standing across from him.

Opening her beer, she bent down to sit on the chair across from him, her collar dipping enough for him to see the swell of her breasts. Either she was purposely trying to be provocative or she was naive innocent. Her eyes, at the moment, were telling him nothing. He was tempted to ask her, but then she'd likely call his own security to kick him out. And they would never let him live it down.

"Any plans for the evening?" he asked.

"Well, it turns out that I'm entertaining company," she said, popping the top of her beer and taking a swig. Xavier expected her to make a face from the taste as many did, but nothing happened.

A girl that drinks beer was his type of lady. "I wouldn't have pegged you for a beer drinker."

"I'm not normally, but you don't have much of a selection up here."

She was right about that. Every three months they receive a fresh supply of liquor, mostly beer and wine. Their chef would sometimes use them while cooking, so it only made sense to have it on hand. The Director allowed them to pull it out for celebrations and stuff, but getting blackout drunk while stationed here was not allowed because it caused too many problems. People were here to work, not party. They did relax the rules every now and then, but they kept a pretty close watch on it. There was one person who couldn't hold his alcohol so they kept a pretty close eye on it all around. The guy made things miserable when he drank, roughed up a few of his guards the last time they tried to take him to the holding tank.

This was usually a great place to work. There were very few, if any, illegal activities that took place. Most of the time, their duties were to patrol and occasionally attend to a situation if workers weren't getting along. The biggest issue that they'd ever had was when a plane went down nearby and the survivors stumbled across their station. The Director decided to let them in, but the survivors turned out to be smugglers and it didn't end well.

Xavier had the two men and one lady in their jail for about a month. A police transport was supposed to come and pick them up but a wicked storm stuck around for weeks, preventing any flights to the area.

"I'd have a vodka and pepsi if we had it. That's my go to drink."

"You like the sweeter stuff it sounds like."

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