Chapter Five

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"We were wondering if we were going to have to send in a search party," Xavier joked as the corner of his lips curled into a grin.

Hannah would much rather play hide-n-seek than be in a room full of strangers. Although, she had to admit that since no one knew about her past, it did make things a little easier. No hateful, judgmental or pitiful eyes would be cast her way. It was a toss up usually as to which she would normally get back at the university she had attended.

"Just move it," Hannah said to him, giving him a gentle shove down the hallway. She had a feeling he was going to enjoy making her uncomfortable tonight. He just had that air about him.

"If the lady insists," he said, winking at her. They made their way down the hall with him walking ahead of them. Her gaze kept drifting to his butt, and she found her mouth watering. It had to be a sin for a man to have a better looking but than she did. Hannah forced herself to look up and her eyes settled on the nape of his neck. She could see her hands linked together there in the future as he leaned in to kiss her.

Boy, she was hopeless. You'd think once burned was enough for her but apparently not. Even after all she'd gone through some really hard life lessons her body was still running the sexual gambit. She'd shut it down completely if she could. Was she a glutton for punishment or something? Her mind was still in a daze when they walked into the gym. They were only inside for about ten seconds when Cheryl absconded Xavier, and Hannah sighed in relief.

"Great!" Director Adam's voice suddenly filled the auditorium, garnering everyone's attention, even without a microphone. "Our guest has arrived. Please help me welcome world-renowned Paleontologist Hannah Fraser, and her crew, Flynn Peters and Cheryl Blakley. They'll be with us throughout the Lazarus Project."

Why did the scientific community always want to call any frozen or dead body by the name of Lazarus? This was like the hundredth time she'd heard it and it drove her nuts. It's not like God was going to come down and raise it to life, so why bother using that name? She'd have to speak with Adams and try to come up with something different. Normally she didn't name anything until she wrote the paper, but she really didn't want to keep referring to it as that.

Hannah smiled at the welcoming faces and waved. "Thanks for having us. It's a pleasure to be a part of your team." She hadn't really planned a speech so she just left it at that, and everyone returned to what they were doing. There was an open bar and a table beside it, filled with all sorts of treats. In the corner was a DJ or rather, just a big stereo that filled the large room with music. There was a mix of old and young people, all mingling and dancing.

It didn't take long for quiet Flynn to be whisked away and that just left her. Hannah walked over to the snack table, grabbed a few pates, along with some fruit, and made her way to the tables set up in the opposite corner of the room. A few lonely stragglers were camped there. One older lady was sitting by herself so Hannah went over to her.

"May I join you?" Hannah asked.

"Oh hi, my dear, feel free." The woman waved at the empty share. She looked rather tired with bags under her eyes. "You're Hannah, right?"

"Yes, and you?"

"I'm Judith, Director Adam's wife. I'd shake your hand, but mine are sticky. I've been sitting here snacking."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm surprised your husband hasn't asked you to dance."

Judith pointed to her cane which was leaning between the table and the wall. "I'm a wee bit of a party pooper I'm afraid."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks."

The woman chuckled. "I don't really mind. I've never been much of a dancer. I leave that to the younger folks."

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