Chapter 90

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Written: December 24, 2020

As promised, double update!



-3rd Person-

"Holy shit, you scared us!" Shikamaru barks out with a relieved sigh, feeling his knees go weak as everyone surrounds the bed where Mizuki and Naruto is currently in.

"She just passed out from stress and pain, it's nothing too serious. It's a good thing that she did as well since her heart won't be able to handle it properly" Alex says with a very very exhausted sigh and a yawn as she pets the hair of the sleeping Mizuki gently.

"It's weird that she suddenly woke up when I'm pretty sure that she shouldn't....the anesthesia should've knocked her out as well for quite a while since it was pretty strong" She continues as her other hand glows into a purple hue, placed on the bloodied back of Naruto.

"Good thing that you were here. Your sister might have ended up in a worse situation since her vision is basically black right now" Alex says to the silent and sobbing Naruto, feeling slightly bad for the older brother since he looked so burdened with everything that is currently happening.

It's currently ten in the evening when Kakashi barged in inside the hotel room where Alex is currently staying in, screaming and panicking to go to Mizuki. And at the same time, the three boys who were told to get some food was able to catch a glimpse of Kakashi rushing out of the hospital in panic.

Of course it scared them as well, so they immediately ran inside the hospital and quickly went inside the room where the siblings is currently staying at.

The moment they barged inside the room, they immediately saw Naruto crying so much that it made their heart ache since they don't usually see him look so heartbroken and hurt.

He was literally cradling the unconscious body of Mizuki with a large pool of blood on his back, the red liquid spreading and dripping on the white sheets of the mattress. Noticing the nails and finger tips of Mizuki coated in blood as she had her body leaned against the crying Naruto.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about your sister. She'll be okay once she Wakes up tomorrow morning, okay? She'll be good as new" Alex says, trying to reassure the crying and panicking Naruto as he tightly hugs the sleeping figure of Mizuki.

"S-she's not going to die right? Please tell me that she'll be okay!....I don't want to lose her...." Naruto says with a bad stutter along with a series of hiccups from all the crying that he's been doing the entire time, not bothering to let go of his hug any time sooner.

The entire room couldn't help but frown at the sight of the paranoid Naruto, feeling bad for him since he had to experience all of this in the span of one month. The way how he almost lost his little sister so many times this month, to the point that it has traumatized him greatly already.

His red irritated eyes and tear stained cheeks from all the crying, his nose in a light shade of red and his lips trembling in fear...the way his shirt is still drenched in blood from Mizuki's nails made it look even worse. In other words, he looks like a mess.

"I assure you that she will one hundred percent live. She just have to take some time recovering on her own, I'll provide you the medicine that she'll need since the Pharmacies won't have them around" Alex says with a small smile as she can finally sense the nail marks on Naruto's back finally closes up slowly.

"W-why can't you heal her now?" Naruto asks with a weak voice as he slowly looks at the middle aged woman with his irritated blue eyes. Wondering on why Alex wouldn't just heal her overall.

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