Chapter 66

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Written: November 2, 2020

I felt like I was trolling way too much🤡✨



"Mizuki...." I hear Onii-chan softly call out as he hesitantly touches my back, trying to comfort me.

I'm not wasting this chance and let someone like her just be forgiven with no consequences. I harden my gaze at the sobbing Sakura as I watch her break down infront of me, saying sorry repeatedly.

You shouldn't forgive her until she proves you that she rely is sorry for trying to kill you.

I hear Ku-Chan say inside my mind as I glance at Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-San, who continues to stare at me in shock, along with Onii-chan.... To be honest? It felt so good to PUNCH Sakura but at the same time it made me feel to guilty for hurting her as well.

I'm not the type of person who would beat people up...but Sakura just angered me so much, to the point I even have the intent to....kill....but I would never do that...right?... I can't do that...

No matter how angry I am to a person, I would never ever wish for the death of the's just too cruel....but...

I close both my eyes as I try to think of an idea to prove if she's actually sorry, the defeating silence and the tensed atmosphere envelopes the whole cave as I feel the stares of Onii-chan and the rest.

She tried to kill me back in the cliff.... If she's sorry....then she wouldn't mind to hurt herself for me...right?

I suddenly feel a small smile creep up the very corner of my lips as I open my eyes again, noticing how everyone is now looking at me in anticipation as I see Sakura looks at me with pleading eyes.

Mizuki... I know you're not the type of person to make someone hurt themselves----

"S-Sakura...." I call out, cutting off Ku-Chan. Knowing on what he is going to be nagging for the next five minutes.

"Y-y-yes?" She immediately responds as she timidly looks at me in fear and anxiety, almost as if a puppy was  drenched in cold water and left outside in winter.

Poor thing...

Mizuki, Stop... You wouldn't want to do that!

Look how pathetic she looks... She tried to kill you right? A small amount of bloodshed wouldn't be that bad right?

Mizuki! Don't listen to this new voice! You wouldn't hurt people!

Just a drop of blood...maybe that will satisfy your anger for now....

A new voice suddenly appears in my thoughts, sounding like she wants me to do what is right...

Suddenly feeling so...superior that Sakura is kneeling in front of me...begging for my sweet to look at.

"S-stab yourself" I bluntly tell her, suddenly hearing a bunch of protest from the whole team.

-3rd Person-

"Mizuki! What do you think you're doing?!" Kakashi screams out in disbelief as he hears the sickening words come out of her mouth. The little girl that he considers as his daughter...

"Are you hearing yourself right now?!" Sasuke finally bursts out as he suddenly stands up, staring right at the smiling Mizuki. Not believing that this is the sweet girl that he always talks to.

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