Chapter 83

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Written: December 12, 2020

Oh me? Just writing the 3rd update this week since I finished most of my assessments :p


-3rd Person-

"Alright, I want you guys to close all the lights and make the room as dark as possible" Alex says as she lays Mizuki on the operating bed.

"Huh? Don't you need light to operate?" Shikamaru asks in utter confusion while looking at the older woman very weirdly.

".....I told you, she's in the weird side" Kakashi whispers beside him while watching Alex use soap first and then drenched her hands with water.

".....Are you sure that we can trust her? She's very....weird" The boy whispers back worriedly, thinking that this woman might be just a scam after all and will probably take this chance to end Mizuki.

"I'm scared as well, but I promise that she's an amazing medic. You can trust her with Mizuki's life" Kakashi whispers before clearing his throat a little.

"I can hear the both of you, you know?" Alex groans out with an eye roll while tying her bangs on top of her head, looking like a kid's hairstyle.

"....Uhh shouldn't you have tied your hair first and THEN wash your hands?" Shikamaru asks, seriously worried if he really should trust the weird woman.

"You silly underaged boy, of course I know that" She says with a huff, before going back to the sink again and wash her hands.

"She didn't know that...." Shikamaru deadpan as he watch her shake out any excess water and then wiped her hands.

Shikamaru couldn't help but smile very nervously as he makes his way beside Kakashi.

".....Is she really Mizuki's aunt?" He asks curiously as he can hear the cheerful hum of the older woman as she suddenly holds out a bag of fluids and a needle.

"No, she isn't. More like a self-proclaimed aunt of Mizuki and Naruto since her and their mother were very closed friends" Kakashi whispers back, before a scalpel flew its way between the two males, digging itself in the concrete wall behind them.

"I told you, that I can hear you" Alex says with an eye roll before carefully inserting the needle on Mizuki's left arm so that it can keep her stable for the whole operation.

"Now....I hope that you guys had a good night's rest because this operation might take us the whole day to do" Alex informs while rotating her neck and shoulders.

"And why is that?" Kakashi asks worridly.

"You told me that she's got a very weak heart right? Then you got your answer. I have to be very careful and precise or wrong movement or even a twitch, she'll most likely die" She bluntly explains before opening the circular main light  of the operation table to light up Mizuki.

"Now, both of you turn around"

"Excuse me?" Shikamaru asks in confusion with a raised brow, wondering why she is making them turn around.

"Oh, what? Do you want to see her naked upper body? No, right? Now turn around" She says with an eye roll before doing a twirl motion on her finger tips to tell us to turn around.

As the two males turn around, Alex quickly unbuttons Mizuki's sleeping wear and then took it off. Exposing her bare skin, Alex couldn't help but gasp out loud at what she suddenly saw....

"What's happening? Is Mizuki okay?" Kakashi immediately asks in fear, trying to stop himself from turning around as he hear her gasp.

"No....she's not okay....her u-upper torso is completely bruised! From her collar bone to her stomach!" Alex stutters out in sudden fear as she observes the dark purple and green color that spreads through Mizuki's upper body.

The Uzumaki Siblings《Book 1》Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt