Chapter 45

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AAAAA this book might take a bit longer to finish but...... THE SECOND BOOK LITERALLY HAS 85+ CHAPTERS FOR ME TO RE-WRITE ( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒)

I brought this to myself 😎👋




-3rd Person-

"So... Do you plan to speak sooner or later?" Kogaine asked as he leans into the railings of the boat while standing beside the silent Mizuki with a smile on his face.

The red head glanced at the green haired boy before looking back at the vast ocean that surrounds them.

" Hmmm, I guess not then" He hums then watched the horizon with the same small smile.

"You know... Out of everyone on your team, you're my most favorite" He suddenly says with a chuckle, causing Mizuki's ears to perk up and look at the older boy in confusion.

"I'll tell you the reason if you speak to us again" He teased while sticking out his tongue with a laugh then looked back at the ocean.

Mizuki huffed in annoyance, glaring at the client before opening her mouth. Not really liking the fact that she has to speak so he could tell her the reason.

Giving Kogaine a look, he seemed to have understand it then shook his head.

"Not only me, Mizuki-Chan! But the whole team as well, you can exclude Sakura if you want" He says, making the girl think about his offer while looking back down on the moving waters.

Mizuki couldn't help but be tempted, opening her mouth a little as she was about to speak. Only for her to be interrupted.

"Mizuki-chaaaan, let's eat lunch!" Naruto suddenly calls out with a grin as he skips towards his silent sister.

"OOOH! I wanna join too! I bought lots of bread for everyone!" Kogaine cheers with Naruto, the two of them giggling while giving each other a high five.

"Come on! I'll even share some ramen to Kogaine!" Naruto says while tugging Mizuki's hand towards a direction.

The red head couldn't help but stumble a little from the sudden pull as the three of them make their way to the main deck where Sasuke and Sakura is currently in.


Both Sakura and Sasuke sat on the bench in silence, waiting for Naruto to come back with his sister and Kogaine. Sitting infront of the boiling pot  filled with piping hot ramen and cracked egg inside.

Sasuke quietly sits on his place  with the bento that he bought earlier at the store, neatly placed on his lap with the container of strawberries beside him. Thinking if he should give it now or later at night so Mizuki wouldn't get hungry.

Deciding that maybe he should give it to her at night time I stead so he'll also have the chance to talk to her as well when everyone is finally asleep or inside the sleeping quarters of the boat.

Hearing heavy footsteps, Sasuke looks up to see a grinning Naruto with Mizuki just behind him along with Kogaine, who's also grinning like an idiot.

"Kakashi is not eating with us?" Kogaine asks while looking around tk find the mentor.

"H-he says that he already ate and will be in the sleeping quarters to read his book" Sakura stutters with a smile while gripping on her bento box like her life depends on it.

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