Chapter 44

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-3rd Person-

"Huh? But the Hokage told us the boat ride will be free? She contacted you right?" Kakashi asked in a very confused tone while talking to the man who's supposed to be the one who will transport them to the other country via boat.

"Well, Tsunade-sama did tell us that we'll be helping a team... But she didn't tell me that there will be a lot of you" The man says nervously while scratching the back of his head while looking at the kids behind Kakashi.

"One, two, three, four, five.... Six and seven including you. The boatboat can hold only up to six people including me in it"He says while looking back at his decent size automatic boat.

" Can't we do something about it? " Kakashi asked worridly.

" I mean, it can hold more people than usual... But I don't know how the journey will go though, especially when it's a twelve hour travel" The man says.

"What if we just pay for the additional people?"

"I don't really have a problem with that, but I will have to re-check everything first before we leave and set sail" He replies.

"And how long will that take?" Sasuke pipes in with a stoic look.

"Hmm, probably an hour or two but I'll try to do it quick so we can leave early" The man says then walked off with a wave, going back to his wooden shack to prepare.

"Aaalright, we have an hour minimum to get ready for the boat ride and it'll be a long ride as well so you guys better use the remaining time to get some things before we go" Kakashi announces, turning around to face the kids with a smile.

"Alright!!! Let's go buy cup noodles, Mizuki!!!!" Naruto cheers while tugging his silent little sister towards a nearby convenient store.

Mizuki just quietly nodded then yelped a little since she suddenly got dragged by her brother.

Both Sasuke and Kogaine quietly followed the siblings, making their way to the store as well.

"Sakura, I need to speak to you" Kakashi says, stopping the mentioned girl on her tracks.

"Yes, sensei?"

"What did I tell you ABOUT Mizuki? Hmm"

"Ugh, Kakashi-sensei.... With all due respect, I really am trying to not hurt her feelings but earlier this morning was just too chaotic!" Sakura complains with a groan while looking at the group of four, entering the shop.

"Well, it is her first time to sleep outdoors, Sakura. Imagine waking up with a baby snake on top of you, what do you think will happen?"

"I'll probably scream as well, but I won't try to make too much noise to disturb the sleep of the Others! Sensei, Mizuki is acting really petty lately and it's starting to get really annoying! Tell me if that isn't true" She says while crossing her arms.

"Sakura, she's still young and developing both physically and mentally. Please try to understand the situation of having a younger team mate... Not everyone can mature very quickly" Kakashi says with a sigh, looking at his student.

" And don't try to make her feel neglected or hated okay? You know how her heart reacts sometimes, if you can't do it for her then do it for the rest of the team okay? I'll try to talk to Mizuki about this as well and I hope the by tomorrow, you guys are back in good terms" He says.

"We were never in good terms"

"Please, just try"


And with that, Sakura made her way to the shop where the rest of the team is. Kakashi watch as the girl enter the shop with a very stressed out look.


"OOOO! What about thiss!! You like seafood flavor riiighht?!" Naruto says excitingly while showing Mizuki a seafood flavored cup noodles.

The Uzumaki Siblings《Book 1》Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin