Chapter 77: Contingency Plan

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- Also a special thanks to finbloice for giving me ideas for this chapter. Thank you so much and really appreciated it.

Dracula and Mavis were still trap in the underground tunnel with Robin protecting from the evil Johnny/Batman Who Laughs.

ROBIN: Dammit, Johnny! This isn't you! You have to snap out of it!

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: Oh, Robin. Sweet loyal Robin. Your old boss is gone now. But don't you worry, your new boss is coming soon. (*chuckle) You'll be my chained up slave for life. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Johnny picked up his two sickles from the floor and wrapped its chains around his hands. Robin wanted to make sure that Dracula and Mavis are safe before anything else happens.

ROBIN: Drac, you and Mavis just stay behind cover. I'll stop Johnny.

DRACULA: Wait, I thought you said Johnny has contingency plan against himself.

Robin grabbed his Bo Staff spinning it around and ready for combat. He had that serious look and angry look towards Johnny.

ROBIN: I am his contingency plan!

There was a reason why Batman will always need a Robin. Not only as his sidekick, but his backup plan in case something happens to him.

If Batman/Johnny would ever become corrupt or in-need of stopping, who better to take him down than someone who is trained under him and learn all of his skills. Batman/Johnny was always competent enough without a sidekick so this was Robin's true hidden purpose.

Johnny has taught Richard his every tactics and methods over the years so that when the time comes where Batman/Johnny would become a evil or a killer, Robin will be there take him down with any means necessary. Johnny wanted to make sure that his friends and family are safe and away from him when that time comes.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: So the little bird has all grown up. Let's see how much have you learned!

ROBIN: You wanna find out? Come and get me then!

Making his first attack, Johnny grabbed and threw a couple of his Jokerangs towards Robin, who deflected the incoming metal objects with his Bo Staff.

Johnny ran towards Robin while slashing his sickles aggressively to attack his sidekick. Robin would dodge and block Johnny's attacks with Bo Staff. A part of Robin was also nervous while trying to plan a strike on Johnny, who taught every move he knew.

Johnny's combat was so aggressive and threatening that he managed to scratch portions of Robin's red armor and a green cloth piece on his arms that pierced through his skin.

When Johnny was about to attack Robin with sickle, he used his Bo Staff to protect himself. As soon as the sickle impacted the Bo Staff, Johnny pulled out his sickle while Robin's Bo Staff broke into two pieces.

BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: Aww. The poor little bird broke his toy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

In order to continue the fight, Robin used the two broken pieces of his Bo Staff as his Escrima Sticks.

In order to continue the fight, Robin used the two broken pieces of his Bo Staff as his Escrima Sticks

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