Chapter 78: Villains United

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Riddler, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow, Firefly, Bane, Anarky, and Bela have all gathered again in the abandoned Arkham Asylum castle. While waiting for their host to arrive, all of the villains weren't getting along very well.

MR. FREEZE: Keep that flamethrower of yours away from me, Lynns!

FIREFLY: What's the matter, ice-man? Couldn't stand the beauty of flames melting through your suit? (*chuckle)

RIDDLER: Ah, Cobblepot. You vicious, inelegant, tacky bully. How is that Napoleon complex of yours?

PENGUIN: Tell me something, Edward. If you're such a smart-arse, how the hell did Batman put you in jail in the first place?

BANE: This is pathetic. Working with all these freaks is a waste of time.

All of the villains turned their heads around when they saw Van Helsing, Arkham Knight, and the Joker enter the room. The Joker jumped up on a table and extended his arms to announce their arrival.

JOKER: Ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to officially welcome each and every one of you to our first ever mandatory business meeting!

ANARKY: What's he doing here?

RIDDLER: Great, more moronic fools! I can already feel my intelligence sucking out!

JOKER: Now I know what you're all thinking, why have I gathered these 'Legion of Horribles'? Hmm.... that's actually has a nice ring to it, write that down will you?

The Joker laughed and coughed while a few specks of blood came out from his mouth. he pulled out a cloth from his pocket and wiped it off his mouth.

VAN HELSING: That's enough! We have more important matters to discuss.

JOKER: Ok ok ok. No need to be a party pooper. (*chuckle and cough)

The Joker stayed behind Van Helsing with the Arkham Knight.

FIREFLY: What's the deal, Van Helsing? Why did you call us all here?

VAN HELSING: Because each and everyone of you share something. A common enemy. The one that strikes fear into the hearts of criminals.

SCARECROW: The Batman. I'll show him what fear truly is.

BELA: So how do we kill the Batman?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: That's my job!

The Arkham Knight exclaimed as he strictly warned the villains.

ANARKY: Didn't you guys captured him already?

VAN HELSING: We have, but we've received an information from our men that the Batman has escaped.

PENGUIN: (*chuckle) So you want us to kill the bloody bastard?

MR. FREEZE: I will turn his blood into ice.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Nobody is going to kill Batman but me! I want him captured alive! My men will help you out to capture him but if any of idiots try to disobey that order, you're a dead man!

BANE: Then what is the deal with this clown?

The Joker just gave a mischievous smirk at Bane.

JOKER: Me? Oh, I have big plans for this place. You see, I have this vision, an ambition of a new world in my image.   

PENGUIN: You really are out of your bloody mind!

JOKER: Oh, my little Penguin. I'm an artist. An agent of chaos. I just want to paint the town red. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (*cough)  

Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight left the villains to plan their attack. The Arkham Knight proceeded his private room to work on his secret project.

The spirit of Lycidias emerged to confront Van Helsing.

LYCIDIAS: This is a waste of time, Van Helsing! How will these freaks help us destroy Dracula and the other monsters?!

VAN HELSING: It is a distraction. With Batman away, we will lead the rest of our army to the hotel and extinct every bloodline of all monsters. The Arkham Knight will kill the Batman.

LYCIDIAS: I'm looking forward to it.

The spirit of Lycidias then merged back inside Van Helsing's body giving him the strength and powers of a vampire.

Van Helsing went inside the Arkham Knight's private room.

VAN HELSING: The militia soldiers are all geared up. We are ready to attack.

ADRIAN: I'm not waiting anymore. I kill Batman now!

Van Helsing saw the Arkham Knight/Adrian developing an unfinished armored and the damage Batsuit that he took was placed on a desk. Adrian was pulling out some Bat-tech form the Johnny's damaged Batsuit and combining it with his own unfinished armored suit.

VAN HELSING: What do you think you're doing, Knight?

ADRIAN/PROMETHEUS: Making some new modifications.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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