Chapter 6: Let the Games Begin?

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Later that Night....
All the hotel guests are now safe and peacefully resting in their respective rooms after the attack of Bela and his bat cronies. Vlad, Lydia, Gene, and Klaus decided to check in to their rooms to get some rest.

Meanwhile, both Dracula and Mavis were inside Dennis room.

MAVIS: Okay, sweetie. Time to go to bed.

DENNIS: Aww but mommy, I'm not... (*yawn) ...not tired yet.

DRACULA: Denisovich, you should listen to your mother. You were almost gotten hurt earlier tonight.

MAVIS: Papa Drac is right, honey. It's time for you to get some rest.

DENNIS: Fine. At least I got the chance to meet Batman and Robin tonight!

MAVIS: (*giggle) And that makes you happy, huh?

DENNIS: Yeah! Batman's the coolest superhero with a cape! (*deep voice) 'I'm Batman. To the Batmobile, Robin!'.

Dennis wrapped his blanket around half of his face impersonating Batman/Johnny. Mavis giggled at her son while Dracula frowned a little jealous.

DRACULA: Yes yes, Batman. He's the only cool guy you know with a cape. That's cool.

DENNIS: Can I be Robin someday, mommy? I wanna fight bad guys with Batman!

MAVIS: Uh... we can talk about that tomorrow, sweetie. Right now is for you to get some sleep.

DENNIS: (*yawn) Ok, Mommy.

MAVIS: Suffer, suffer scream in pain, blood is spilling from your brain. Zombies gnaw you like a plum, piercing cries and you succumb. Suffer, suffer scream in pain, you will never breathe again.

Dennis finally went to sleep while Mavis kissed his forehead as a goodnight kiss.

MAVIS: Goodnight, Dennis.

DRACULA: Just like what I did for you when you were little.

MAVIS: Dennis is asleep so I think I did it as good as you.

DRACULA: No, you did it better. You really remind me of your mother.

MAVIS: I know, Daddy. You keep telling me that all the time.

DRACULA: Anyway, I better get going. I have hotel business to attend to. Goodnight, my little mouse.

MAVIS: Goodnight, dad. Don't work to late, alright?

DRACULA: I won't, Mavy. Stake my heart.

With that, Dracula left. Mavis also exited Dennis' room and headed to the living room, where she saw Johnny sitting on the couch and behind him was a sleeping Tinkles.

JOHNNY: Hey, hon. How's Dennis doing?

MAVIS: He's already asleep. That means we're alone at last.

Mavis sat beside Johnny on the couch as she rested her head on his shoulder. She soon to notice that something was bothering her husband.

MAVIS: Johnny, is everything alright?

JOHNNY: I... I just wish I could've helped you guys earlier tonight instead of just hiding somewhere safe.

MAVIS: Oh, Johnny it's okay. I know you're just looking out for me and Dennis but we perfectly handled those bat cronies. You are an amazing husband and father, Johnny-Stein.

Mavis smiled and gently placed her hand on Johnny's cheek and kissed him passionately. Johnny kissed her back.

JOHNNY: Thank you, Mavis. For those kindest words.

MAVIS: You're welcome. How about we watch a movie together?

Johnny nodded and turned on the television. Mavis kept changing the channel but it wasn't receiving any signal.

MAVIS: Hmm... I think there's something wrong with the television.

JOHNNY: Here.. let me try to fix it.

The television revealed a green question mark on screen and later was a man wearing a green suit, purple tie, green hat, and a purple mask. This 'Enigma' person was also holding a staff that has a question mark at the end.

???: (*clears throat) Heeello, Humans and monsters! My name in case you were wondering is Edward Nashton, but you can call me THE RIDDLER and I'm here to make you smarter! It's my mission, my calling, my duty. Riddle me this: there are two sisters and each gave birth to the other, who are they? No. I'll give you a hint, one says 'I am the day' and the other says 'I am the dark, Dark Knight.'

At this point, both Mavis and Johnny were curious and anxious on what's happening right now.

MAVIS: I don't think this isn't a movie at all.

RIDDLER: I hope you're watching this, Batman. Let's play a game together. Just me and you. Unless if you want innocent people to die.

The Riddler disappeared and channel had its original signal back.

JOHNNY: As if there isn't enough going on tonight.

Johnny thought in his mind. It looks Batman has made a new friend.

(? A message to the BaTMaN ?)

Meanwhile in a Secret Liar.....
Bela was really injured after their defeat back at the hotel and now missing his right eye. The Man-Bat monster was talking to a dark figure within the shadows.

???: What happened?

BELA: We failed! Dracula and his family beat us all! What's worse is this 'Bat-man' and his sidekick was there. They helped the vampires to stop us.

???: So, I gave you this opportunity to capture Dracula and destroy his horrendous hotel but yet you and your cronies failed to finish the task?

BELA: We won't fail again, I promise you!

???: (*sinister laugh) It appears my prediction was correct. None of you succeeded the task.

BELA: You knew! You knew we weren't match for them! You knew we couldn't take them all down!

???: Yes but soon we will! Oh I have long waited for the moment to seek my revenge on the legendary Count Dracula! Once I've slain his life and the rest of the monster world, I would be a hero for saving humanity!

BELA: What about the Batman?

???: The Batman? Well, the KNIGHT will finish the job. He has long waited to end the Bat for what he has done to him. Our time will come to strike.

To be continued....

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