Chapter 90: Van Helsing Battle (Part 1)

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Meanwhile underneath the hotel was the former cave of Lycidias Dracula, where the battle took place between Dracula and Van Helsing.

In this confrontation between the two, Van Helsing became more powerful than ever as the spirit of Lycidias Dracula has now permanently emerged with his human body. His voice also changed into a demonic tone and his eyes became red. There were also fangs formed on his teeth.

Dracula was losing the fight while trying to protect Martha and Mavis at the same time. Van Helsing grabbed Dracula by the cape and used his vampire strength throwing him on a rocky wall.

Dracula roughly fell on the ground grunting painfully. When Dracula tried to get back up, Van Helsing used his telekinesis to levitate Dracula on midair and smashing his body on the wall left to right.

VAN HELSING/LYCIDIAS: What's the matter, Dracula? Hard to keep up!?

DRACULA: Piss off, Bastard!

Van Helsing used his telekinesis once again aggressively smashed Dracula on the ground leaving a huge crack on the floor.

Martha and Mavis were in a huge panic and quickly ran for Dracula's aid.


MARTHA: Drac, are you okay?

DRACULA: (*panting) I'm okay.... I just need to catch my breath.

MAVIS: Dad, you can't beat him. He's going to kill you back there.

MARTHA: Mavis is right. He's too powerful, even for you!

DRACULA: No... I have to finish it.... I have to protect you all from him....

Dracula once again levitated by Van Helsing with his telekinesis powers. While Dracula was being levitated on midair, Van Helsing used his electrical shock powers at the vampire.



Dracula screamed in peril feeling the electrical shock was torturing his entire body. After the torture was finished, Van Helsing's extended arm was able to grab Dracula by the neck.

VAN HELSING/LYCIDIAS: Had enough!? I'm sure you still have a little bit fight left in you!?

DRACULA: Actually... I was just buying some time for him....


Van Helsing was confused what Dracula was talking about as he had that smirk on his face.

The next thing that happened was 3 metal blades pierced through Van Helsing's back. Van Helsing yelped in pain as he lets go of Dracula.

Soon the 3 Batarangs exploded sending Van Helsing away from Dracula.

Martha and Mavis saw Batman expanding his cape on the shape of a bat gliding to the ground and helped Dracula stand up.

DRACULA: (*chuckle) You had me worried for a second. I thought you were never going to come.

BATMAN: I have unfinished business with Van Helsing to deal with.

DRACULA: Well get in line. You're not the only one.

Van Helsing got himself back up while Dracula and Batman glared at the vampire hunter.

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